There is a lady down the street who I don’t care much for. She is always up to something. My biggest problem is that I feel it is my duty to protect my family from all bad things. My wife does not want me to say anything to her because of a possible conflict. She takes advantage of my wife’s kind heart. I am not kidding you, my wifes sole purpose in life was to be with and take care of kids. There is not a child that I know that does not come running to her. Even stranger kids. She is a highly recognized home daycare provider. Her nature never allows her to do anything or say anything that may cause conflict. She recently converted to Catholocism when we had our marriage validated through the church. She was babtized, confirmed, and recieved her first Holy communion that day. Four sacraments in one day! Anyway, this lady down the street always stabs my wife in the back or asks her to do wrong things. My wife has a hard time saying no because she don’t want conflict. The last thing was, a paper needed to be signed by one of this ladies daycare parents. She asked my wife to sign it. I told my wife she was a better person than that and she knew it. If the true parent signed it the feedback would not be as strong as this lady was wanting. My wife ended up refusing but just to ask her to do this eats me up! I cannot even look at the lady! I dispise her! I know that her body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that is why I never say anything to her face. I have shared my feelings about her with others though. How do I decide between saying something to her against my wifes wishes or allowing her to continue abusing my wifes BIG HEART! If I had it my way, I’d tell her to get out of my life and stay away from my wife! How, can I do that though, wouldn’t that be like telling the Holy Spirit to get out of my life?