Aerial Silks and Catholicism

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larquetta
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Is the circus discipline of aerial silks appropriate for Catholics to watch or perform?
I had to look this up on Google. What exactly would be wrong with it?

It just looks like a form of acrobatics to me.
I was mostly concerned about the outfits required because it seems like almost all performers wear leggings or short shorts.
I was mostly concerned about the outfits required because it seems like almost all performers wear leggings or short shorts.
They seem to be dressed kind of like the way conventional acrobats and gymnasts are dressed. Modesty largely depends on the circumstances and purpose. A man could not walk in a church wearing just swim trunks, but at the beach, they would be perfectly appropriate. The way the acrobats are dressed, in tight-fitting outfits, is the only way they really could dress, in such a performance. It’s an athletic presentation.
As in modesty / chastity, if they are wearing tight clothing, which a lot of them do, then no. Especially if a you’re a man, tight/ revealing clothing on women in general is an occasion of sin for chastity. You must guard you purity and chastity with all your might, no matter what a lot of lax " Catholics " say these days.
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Sure, it might be the custom of acrobatics, but that doesn’t automatically mean that it’s fine for men to watch
If a man can’t enjoy an acrobatic performance without getting fixated on the costume worn by the acrobat, then he shouldn’t watch acrobats perform. I could say the same about people watching dancers, or competitive swimmers and divers, or tennis players wearing tight leotard tops and miniskirts that fly up when they run around. I personally could watch male Olympic divers in speedos all day without caring about anything other than their amazing diving skills, but I had female friends who would get fixated on the fact that the men were buff and wearing abbreviated shorts.

Most people have the self-control to enjoy someone doing a particular sport or art that requires tight or short clothing, without feeling lust over looking at it. If someone does not have that self-control, they should avoid viewing things that cause them to be tempted or sin, until they can develop self-control. They also need to realize that self-control is their own personal responsibility and it is not the responsibility of the world to avoid showing them anything normal for society (such as an acrobat in a leotard or a diver in a speedo) that might set them off.
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It is a beautiful art/sport. Why would you think it is problematic?

We are all about beauty!!
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