AFA Offers Quick and Easy Way To File Indecency Complaints To FCC

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AFA Offers Quick and Easy Way To File Indecency Complaints To FCC

As a service to our supporters, AFA is now offering a very quick and easy way for you to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission concerning indecency on television.

The FCC is encouraging viewers to contact them concerning indecency on TV. The form is real simple and requires little time to complete and email to the FCC.

We encourage you, when you see something indecent, obscene or profane, to take advantage of this new service.

You can file your complaint by clicking on the television graphic on the top left hand side of our website at This form will be active 24/7 and will always be on the front page of

AFA has worked long and hard in encouraging the FCC to make it easier for you to file a complaint. We hope you will use this form and encourage others to use it.

We encourage you to ask your church to put the following notice in their bulletins and newsletters: "TV viewers now have a quick and easy way to file a complaint with the FCC concerning obscene, indecent, and profane content on television and radio. Simply click the television graphic on the top left hand side of the website at There is no charge, and filing your complaint takes only a few minutes."


                                     Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
                                     P.S.  Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

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