There are many ways to fulfill a religious vocation for example there are:consecrated virgins, monastic life, contemplative religious, apostolic institutes, diocesan hermits, secular institutes, aggregated institutes, and societies of apostolic life.
The distinctions among the various forms of Consecrated Life are important, especially for one discerning a call to consecrated life. A form might be characterized by its relation to the world, by whether it is lived in community or individually, and by whether it is more active or more contemplative.
Key differences between consecrated virgins and religious (men or women) include, first, that consecrated virgins live in the world and not in community; also, they do NOT make vows, but, rather, are consecrated for life. According to the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity, it is “a solemn rite constituting the candidate a sacred person, a surpassing sign of the Church’s love for Christ and an eschatological image of the world to come and the glory of the heavenly Bride of Christ.” Thus it is open only to women because they alone can physically image a bride.
Members of secular institutes and aggregated institutes are people who make a public profession of vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Secular institutes and aggregated institutes are Catholic organizations that function much like religious communities of priests, brothers, or sisters, though usually without a house or building of any kind. Most members of secular/aggregated institutes do not live together—though some do—and they lead their normal lives “in the world” while dedicating themselves to God.
A Diocesan Hermit is one who is directly vowed to Obedience (as well as Poverty and Chastity) to a diocesan bishop. It is similar to the distinction between a “diocesan priest” and a “religious priest.”
A society of apostolic life is a group of men or women within the Catholic Church who have come together for a specific purpose and live fraternally. Members make vows or other bonds defined in their constitutions to undertake to live the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.