Now I’m a little confused here. After one dies it is said that they sleep, unless that is there’s a serious problem somewhere. Anyway they wait for the awakening but also when we die we go to heaven. Now which is it? Is there a certain part of the person that sleeps when dead and a part that goes to heaven?
Hi Bill,
Let’s look at what the Church teaches.
As soon as we die, we face our particular judgment. (New Advent Catholic Dictionary ), where we will be assigned one of three judgments (Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory). We will keenly be aware of our own sin. We go to our period of refinement, punishment, or reward.
It is said that we are “asleep,” but the full phrase is that we are “asleep in the Lord.”
This is because those both living and those who have faced their Particular Judgment will participate in the “General Judgment” of the Second Coming of Christ, when all will be aware of what we have done in our lives and how we have affected each other.
To the living who cannot know the dispositions of the souls of the dead, we appear “sleeping” until the General Judgment, or Parusia ( The living do not know what has happened to the souls of the dead and cannot presume to know if they are in Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory – until the Parusia (the link is really great, just scroll to the appropriate heading).
From EWTN ( and the Catechism:
"For those who have died and already have faced the particular judgment, their judgment will stand. Those living at the time of the Second Coming will receive judgment. Those who have rejected the Lord in this life, who have sinned mortally, who have no remorse for sin and do not seek forgiveness, will have condemned themselves to hell for all eternity. “By rejecting grace in this life, one already judges oneself, receives according to one’s works and can even condemn oneself for all eternity by rejecting the Spirit of love (Catechism, No. 678).”
Certain catechists and self proclaimed mystics who claim to pass on “personally interpreted truth” don’t bother to look up what the Church teaches, but this is the basis of much Church doctrine; but pass on misinformation detrimental to another’s soul instead (which is reprehensible per Lk17:2, Matt 8:16,and Mk 9:42). Be wary, friend. And be blessed.