After school Catholic Program

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Good afternoon!

I am thinking about making a career change and going into teaching public school after years in the corporate environment. I noticed on one of the school websites that there is a Christian student organization at the school, however it is sponsored by a local Baptist church. The school is 50/50 African American and Hispanic, so I would assume there are a lot of Catholic kids (at least culturally) there. Has anyone heard of an extra-curricular club/program being used in public schools that is specifically Catholic?
At one of our diocesan catechist conferences, I went to a workshop on just this topic. It is being done in Houston. I don’t know how successful it has been but it is an intriguing idea. Here is a link with some resources.

The author of the article is the DRE at one of the Houston parishes. I just looked up the parish and they mention that they are doing an after school enrichment program at the schools within the parish boundaries.
There was one in the high school I attended. They had a speaker once a week and did charity work. When I went to elementary school, there was PSR, but that’s normally done at the parish these days.
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