SLAVERY is a perpetual world evil that has always been (and probably always will be) in this fallen world. It appears in different forms in different places and ages. Rather than looking at slavery from the emotional perspective of current progressivism that aims for a fantasized utopia on earth, let’s consider some historical FACTS:
African tribes captured other Africans and sold them to slavers (Portugese and Dutch seafarers) in the 1500s and 1600s.
Native Americans captured other Native Americans in warfare and sold them as slaves. In one instance where a Catholic priest in New Mexico declined the purchase, the intended slaves were immediately butchered by their captors. After that, captured Native Americans were sometimes purchased to save their lives. The lesser of two evils in a fallen world.
Sex trafficking, a form of slavery, is big business on a worldwide scale today. Some of our most famous politicians are rumored to be participants. Jeffrey Epstein et al.
Mohammed was a slave trader. So was his rightful successor, Ali. Just the way things in Islam were then. The great American prize fighter, born and named Cassius Clay (after a white abolitionist) changed his name to Mohammed Ali.
The greatest owners of slaves in the Antebellum South were the banks and stock exchange brokers, not plantation owners. This is not widely known or mentioned.
Many, many African Americans are descendants of slave owners and Confederates. Some of those relationships may have been consensual, even affectionate. Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner, fathered several children with his slave-mistress, Sally Hemmings, after his wife died. Paternity was proven by DNA testing in 1998.
Some African Americans took up arms FOR the Confederacy.
Predatory banking and credit card practices today might be a modern form of slavery extended to all races.
Marxism and communism create SLAVERY. The wealth must be centralized (seized or stolen from the population) before an “elite” group can redistribute it. Of course, being fallen humans, themselves, the money is always diverted or used to create a police state for themselves. There is a current video out where BLM Founder, Patrice Cullors, proudly touts the “Marxist leadership training” of BLM leadership. DO NOT BE DECEIVED ABOUT THEIR TRUE AGENDA!
History and life are very complex, convoluted, and often ugly topics in a fallen world. They are not simple BLACK vs WHITE issues, though agitators want desperately to pit us against each other. We need facts, and we need to find the common ground to resist evil together. Violence and destruction of property and monuments are not the answers we need to build civilization together.