I have recently felt a calling to become more involved in my parish. My daughter will be attending the Catholic school starting next year, and my wife and I have both discussed increasing our prescense in parish life.
My cousin tried to get me to the join the Knights of Columbus. I asked him what they were all about, and the only thing I got out of him was that it was a service organization, and not much after that. I did my own research online and diidn’t find much beyond what my cousin told me. He eluded that there is a certain level of secrecy to it, which I’m not really keen on.
So I decided to take the plunge. I got on the Knights of Columbus website and filled out the online form to request more information. It said that I would be contacted soon regarding my inquiry.
Less than 12 hours later, I receive a phone call from a representative of the Knights wanting to set up a meeting to talk. At this stage I just was looking to get my questions answers. My wife is scheduled to give birth to our second child next week and I explained to him that next week was pretty much out. He immediately started to schedule a meeting for the following week after we were home…at my house…in the early afternoon.
This was rather unnerving for a couple of reasons. I don’t know if I’m looking to much into this or not, but I can see how this would play out. A stranger, coming to our house would have the following outcome. The dog would start barking, which in turn will excite our 3 year old, who will in turn become as spastic as the dog, which in turn will wake up the baby, and cause complete turmoil for me, who will be sleep deprived, as well as my wife who will be sleep deprived, and one week post op from a c-section!
When I came to the realization that he wanted to come to my house, I politely said that at this time that wouldn’t really work for me and asked if I could call him later to set up a better time. He stated that would be fine, but then became very very persistent to set up a time now and to begin going over forms and paperwork for initiation all prior to having it all referred to a local council.
I became very overwhelmed and politely pulled a “Don’t call us we’ll call you” type of sign off. The aggressive tactics used by this gentleman has really just put me off of the Knights altogether. Now, I don’t know if it was just this guy, or the Knights in general, but it was a very direct in my face approach.
My work schedule is not stable at all, (I’m a nurse) plus with a toddler, and a newborn into the mix, my home life is just as chaotic. I want to be more involved, but I really don’t like stuff being shoved down my throat, especially when I’m not even sure as to the level of commitment I’m going to be able to allocate. Just the day prior, I got a call from my pastor asking if I would consider being on the parish council. I politely declined, citing the same reasons as above, and hung up the phone.
Has anyone else experienced this with the Knights? I don’t care for the lack of transparency with the group, and that phone call is pointing me into the negative direction. But my family members who are Knights keep trying to get me to join in a rather “cult like” fashion. I know this is not a new accusation of the Knights from what I’ve seen online, but you can’t break a stereotype if you keep perpetuating it.
My cousin tried to get me to the join the Knights of Columbus. I asked him what they were all about, and the only thing I got out of him was that it was a service organization, and not much after that. I did my own research online and diidn’t find much beyond what my cousin told me. He eluded that there is a certain level of secrecy to it, which I’m not really keen on.
So I decided to take the plunge. I got on the Knights of Columbus website and filled out the online form to request more information. It said that I would be contacted soon regarding my inquiry.
Less than 12 hours later, I receive a phone call from a representative of the Knights wanting to set up a meeting to talk. At this stage I just was looking to get my questions answers. My wife is scheduled to give birth to our second child next week and I explained to him that next week was pretty much out. He immediately started to schedule a meeting for the following week after we were home…at my house…in the early afternoon.
This was rather unnerving for a couple of reasons. I don’t know if I’m looking to much into this or not, but I can see how this would play out. A stranger, coming to our house would have the following outcome. The dog would start barking, which in turn will excite our 3 year old, who will in turn become as spastic as the dog, which in turn will wake up the baby, and cause complete turmoil for me, who will be sleep deprived, as well as my wife who will be sleep deprived, and one week post op from a c-section!
When I came to the realization that he wanted to come to my house, I politely said that at this time that wouldn’t really work for me and asked if I could call him later to set up a better time. He stated that would be fine, but then became very very persistent to set up a time now and to begin going over forms and paperwork for initiation all prior to having it all referred to a local council.
I became very overwhelmed and politely pulled a “Don’t call us we’ll call you” type of sign off. The aggressive tactics used by this gentleman has really just put me off of the Knights altogether. Now, I don’t know if it was just this guy, or the Knights in general, but it was a very direct in my face approach.
My work schedule is not stable at all, (I’m a nurse) plus with a toddler, and a newborn into the mix, my home life is just as chaotic. I want to be more involved, but I really don’t like stuff being shoved down my throat, especially when I’m not even sure as to the level of commitment I’m going to be able to allocate. Just the day prior, I got a call from my pastor asking if I would consider being on the parish council. I politely declined, citing the same reasons as above, and hung up the phone.
Has anyone else experienced this with the Knights? I don’t care for the lack of transparency with the group, and that phone call is pointing me into the negative direction. But my family members who are Knights keep trying to get me to join in a rather “cult like” fashion. I know this is not a new accusation of the Knights from what I’ve seen online, but you can’t break a stereotype if you keep perpetuating it.