Ahh, gotta love atheists

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Like most here, I live in a ‘First-World’ country. One that is really Pro-Choice - Canada. So a lot of my friends are atheists and hardcore pro-choice. I just had the biggest arguement with my friend, mainly over homosexuality, and now Im a blatent homophobic, people hater 😉 Gotta love atheists eh? It kinda sadens me how blind they can be. Oh well, I think it’ll be interesting to meet them in Purgatory (hopefully) 🙂
Oh well, I think it’ll be interesting to meet them in Purgatory (hopefully) 🙂
Depending on how hard-core they are, they might turn down that offer. 😦
Depending on how hard-core they are, they might turn down that offer. 😦
My son’s father is an atheist. My son’s stepmom told me that she believes in God, but then tells her hubby she doesn’t. (just to keep him, I think) THEY HAD BETTER NOT TURN DOWN THAT OFFER!!! :gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:
Oh, man, do I ever know where you’re coming from. I contribute to this blog run by several like me–Catholic, mostly conservative teens–and for the past few months (at least), we have been fighting a war of words with this 41 year-old gay (and ironically formerly Catholic–so he says, anyway) guy from L.A. Practically everything we say of a moral or political nature he argues with a vengance; I’m sure you know how it is: “You judgmental, homophobic religious anti-science fanatics!!” Sigh.
The really sad thing is that I know there’s a nice side to this guy; I’ve seen it a precious couple of times. I wish he could learn to drop his flaws and become who he really is–a caring, intelligent, open-minded but still (hopefully eventually) moral man.
I suppose all I have to say when it comes to these sorts of people is keep at it–gently–and hope someday the lightbulb will come on in their heads.
the Hatter:
I’m sure you know how it is: “You judgmental, homophobic religious anti-science fanatics!!”
“Judgmental?” If he’s got one finger pointed at you, he has three pointed back at himself.
Yeah, this guy surely does have the three pointed back at him (Hatter and I both tilt online at this fella).

One correction tho’, Hatter. The 41 year old in question lives in Frisco, not LA.
Like most here, I live in a ‘First-World’ country. One that is really Pro-Choice - Canada. So a lot of my friends are atheists and hardcore pro-choice. I just had the biggest arguement with my friend, mainly over homosexuality, and now Im a blatent homophobic, people hater 😉 Gotta love atheists eh? It kinda sadens me how blind they can be. Oh well, I think it’ll be interesting to meet them in Purgatory (hopefully) 🙂
Boy, isn’t that the truth!!! I see all this constantly.😦
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