Air pollution causes disease, is driving a sin?

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Hi, this might be non contemporary, but anyone ever thinks that driving a car is a sin? The emission, that is air pollution causes harm to health, especially to pedestrians and poor people (if you don’t believe me , take a walk). Also the noise from vehicles disturbs quietness in the church. I can hear quite loud noises from the streets when I’m in my parish and several other parishes especially on regular days, not Sundays. Not like in a contemplative monasteries where I go for a retreat. Silence is very important. If you hear the noises in the streets for quite some time, the screeching sound makes your soul goes tired, restless and desperate. Considering the comforts people have in the car out of discomfort to other people less fortunate. Any thoughts ?
Hi, this might be non contemporary, but anyone ever thinks that driving a car is a sin? The emission, that is air pollution causes harm to health, especially to pedestrians and poor people (if you don’t believe me , take a walk). Also the noise from vehicles disturbs quietness in the church. I can hear quite loud noises from the streets when I’m in my parish and several other parishes especially on regular days, not Sundays. Not like in a contemplative monasteries where I go for a retreat. Silence is very important. If you hear the noises in the streets for quite some time, the screeching sound makes your soul goes tired, restless and desperate. Considering the comforts people have in the car out of discomfort to other people less fortunate. Any thoughts ?
Unless someone has the intention of harm regarding air pollution, I’m having trouble seeing how that could be a sin.

As far as noises go, you may want to speak to your local government about regulating loud breaks or music or whatever.
You’re being scrupulous. By this logic, pooping is sinful because it introduces bacteria into tjhe water supply. Should we also horde garbage and toxic waste in our houses so it doesn’t pollute the landfills? Don’t let trivial things like this worry your conscience, Therese.
Modern cars with exhaust systems in good repair are actually very clean. They are not a major source of air pollution. However, if the exhaust system is leaky, as often occurs due to rust or mechanical damage, the leakage circumvents the pollution control and, as you noted, it smells bad and it is unhealthy. (Also for a few minutes after a cold start, there is some release of pollution with a noticeable smell, but this goes away as soon as the catalytic converter heats up.)

I would say if someone drives a car with a leaky and stinky exhaust system, they are either ignorant or irresponsible. If they are aware of the consequences to the environment and public health, and willfully neglect to repair the exhaust system, that may be sinful.
Modern cars with exhaust systems in good repair are actually very clean. They are not a major source of air pollution. However, if the exhaust system is leaky, as often occurs due to rust or mechanical damage, the leakage circumvents the pollution control and, as you noted, it smells bad and it is unhealthy. (Also for a few minutes after a cold start, there is some release of pollution with a noticeable smell, but this goes away as soon as the catalytic converter heats up.)

I would say if someone drives a car with a leaky and stinky exhaust system, they are either ignorant or irresponsible. If they are aware of the consequences to the environment and public health, and willfully neglect to repair the exhaust system, that may be sinful.
Then by this logic, driving a car from before 1972 with no Cats is also sinful? Give me a break! It’s not that uncommon for people to run straight pipes.
Then by this logic, driving a car from before 1972 with no Cats is also sinful? Give me a break! It’s not that uncommon for people to run straight pipes.
Do they want to use leaded gasoline as well? I heard that some old cars run better with it.

For older cars, one might apply a “grandfather clause,” that is, one cannot be required to retrofit an old car with modern emission controls if it is impractical to do so. Luckily for us, auto makers are making new cars and there are not very many pre-1972 cars on the road commuting to work every day.

Do people “run straight pipes” on more modern cars? I pity the fool who removes or circumvents an existing emission control system to boost the performance. That would be prideful and irresponsible. If one is aware of the harm it does, it may be sinful.

I’m not talking about cars on race tracks or other performance venues, where such modifications are justified, but cars driven on public roads.
Phil, I noticed your CAF avatar. Are you an antique car aficionado?
Hi, this might be non contemporary, but anyone ever thinks that driving a car is a sin? The emission, that is air pollution causes harm to health, especially to pedestrians and poor people (if you don’t believe me , take a walk). Also the noise from vehicles disturbs quietness in the church. I can hear quite loud noises from the streets when I’m in my parish and several other parishes especially on regular days, not Sundays. Not like in a contemplative monasteries where I go for a retreat. Silence is very important. If you hear the noises in the streets for quite some time, the screeching sound makes your soul goes tired, restless and desperate. Considering the comforts people have in the car out of discomfort to other people less fortunate. Any thoughts ?
Yeah, right! :ouch::whacky:
What’s the alternative? Horse-drawn carriages? How many diseases are carried in horse poop, and by the scavengers that feed on it?
Do they want to use leaded gasoline as well? I heard that some old cars run better with it.
Leaded gasolines are better for the engine. There are deposits that don’t occur is the vehicle is burning leaded gas. Engines also tend to run better over the long term with gasolines that don’t have ethonol. Some farming equipment still uses leaded gas (I believe leaded gas has a red tint).
What’s the alternative? Horse-drawn carriages? How many diseases are carried in horse poop, and by the scavengers that feed on it?
There is a gradation is solutions such as reducing the amount of gas burned by methods such as combining trips, driving conservatively, not exceeding the speed limit, driving during times when traffic is better. Depending on your driving conditions and economic factors a hybrid may further contribute to burning less fuel. Plug-in hybrids may even be better. If your vehicle does not already display information on how efficiently you are driving there are products such as the one from Automatic ( that will allow you to use your smart phone to collect such information from your car. If its an option an emphasis on buying locally sourced groups may even have an indirect impact on fuel consumption of delivery vehicles.

If the environment is a central concern there are other things that can be done around the house to reduce energy demands. Using lower energy light bulbs and power conservation can reduce demand on power plant and the fuels they consume.

None of these are perfect solutions. They don’t eliminate damage on the environment but they can contribute to reducing it.

Pardon my mistakes. Sent from my mobile device.
I wonder which of these posters is the driver failing to keep up with traffic on a 1 lane highway with 100 cars tailgaiting them behind? Leaded gasoline is not needed in older cars where the valve seats have simply been replaced. This thread is getting ridiculous. And backseat driving is a sin. 😃
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