There is no patented release. It’s not a One cure fits all disease. For example . I was a falling down drunk , ruined and lost my family , and there’s is no sorrier words than, " what might have been." I had quite a few times but like other times , I fell into the same, " One won’t hurt me pit." I’m a firm believer in St. Monica and can relate to St. Augustine’s Answer to God. I"ll quite Lord, but not just now. " I can tell you this , when I finally quit over 26 years ago after an adult life of drunkeness , I got my own Brainstorm. I said, " I have to quit both, Cigarettes and alcohol at the same time. I don’t know about others , but if I had a beer , I had to have a cigarette and vice-versa. Of course , I couldn’t do a thing without God , so his house was my first stop . I didn’t use AA though I don’t criticize those that use it or hypnosis . But thanks be to God, I’ve been clear for over 26 years , though late and though my kids are all grown , I still did it in time to take care of my Grandkids. Make no mistake. You’re not doing anything without God and His blessed Mother . She’s your intercession and your favorite prayer to her Son . My Prayers are with you all that are trying , and rest assured , unlike the many things I know nothing about, I DO know what you’re going through. Better still , ask God to save you for your family . So you don’t wake up as I did at 70 some years old and say once again : If only …