It seems that all the new movements in the Church, although some are critical of one another, have one thing in common - Renewal.
There are those groups who pray for the renewal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
There are those who pray for the renewal of the liturgy in all its’ solemnity.
There are those who pray for a renewal of missionary zeal, doing what it takes to introduce newcomers to Christ in the Catholic Church.
There are those, such as Opus Dei, who work for the renewal of the wider society.
I have been very lucky to have been associated with two churches, one when I was in London, and another now that I’m in Glasgow, who were able to span that whole range, and to balance these desires for renewal. Unsurprisingly, these were two Catholic churches with growing and dynamic young congregations. So why when I come online does it seem there is so much in-fighting in the church?
There are those groups who pray for the renewal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
There are those who pray for the renewal of the liturgy in all its’ solemnity.
There are those who pray for a renewal of missionary zeal, doing what it takes to introduce newcomers to Christ in the Catholic Church.
There are those, such as Opus Dei, who work for the renewal of the wider society.
I have been very lucky to have been associated with two churches, one when I was in London, and another now that I’m in Glasgow, who were able to span that whole range, and to balance these desires for renewal. Unsurprisingly, these were two Catholic churches with growing and dynamic young congregations. So why when I come online does it seem there is so much in-fighting in the church?