I tend to look at life as a series of problems that need to be solved. Sometimes two or three problems need to be solved at a time, sometimes none. Like a series of math problems, there is always a solution to the most difficult problem in front of you.
Since “Chance favors the prepared mind”, the more you study the Bible, Jesus, and the teachings of the Catholic Church, the more information you will have for problem solving by preparing your mind.
St. Francis, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Mother Teresa,
et. al., all had problems that they solved with Jesus, the Church, theology & philosophy, and they sat down and hammered their life problems out.
As an intelligent, wise, and mature Catholic: You just got to sit down and think about things and always do the right thing, the positive thing; and if you have a real doosy of a life problem then always chose for life (and not darkness).
Makes living a whole lot more fun to be able to solve life problems!
Think about it first
Then make the right decision you can always live with