All People Are Made in God's image, our job is to get them to realize it!

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On such a night owl schedule these days, and there is no reason to fight it due to how I’m established with the work schedule. I still sleep 8 hours or less per night, rarely sleep in even on my day off, but it’s what my body clock is and has been geared towards all my life. What advantage I have? I get to experience quiet and peace, without interruption. I get to be the voice of reason and caring, consoling those that have nobody to turn to since the mainstream are fast asleep. I’m learning now, that to be a child of God, one is made much more aware, and what’s described as “sober” in scripture, means in tune with the very thoughts and actions of those around me, proximity and otherwise, world wide.

I’ve heard it coined before, from church leaders, how they have discovered it’s similar to the matrix the movie, and it’s best explained as that, the closest they can imagine. I say it’s because since we are all children of God, being made in his image, that just as the Angels and Saints and the devoted are in heaven, connected, knowing one another, we are in our own way, even on this earth, the same way, just very few of us are aware of it, and out of those, very few are in tune with it, almost and I dare may say, reading the thoughts and emotions of others.

People really don’t know how much their words and actions affect others around them, not by far, and a simple gesture of kindness as well as speaking something negative, can echo in their minds and souls. Make what you are doing and saying a positive thing, and don’t confuse it with not having substance behind it and refusing to help a brother and sister in Christ about. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, we just don’t know it yet, regardless of denomination, regardless of actual religion we follow, or lack of in any regards, this is what it’s about, and those that go to the end of this life without realizing this, have condemned themselves to hell itself.

What we that realize it, matters way, way more then any can possibly realize, that this is about the whole, establishing a relationship with Christ is about, for it’s already established, God knows our every thought, feeling, and experience, first hand, even more then we do, and this is why it’s important to convey, it’s about simply recognizing it, and realizing that this is the closest relationship you will ever have to any other being. The task at hand for all of us, is to make ourselves more aware of this, to embrace it, and to keep our hearts pure, to have empathy and to not be complacent along pulling other souls you encounter, out of the darkness, and towards the light of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our job is just to get them there, He’ll take care of the rest for us. I will repeat this, He Will Take Care of the Rest…

God’s Peace, Love, Joy and Blessings be with all of you!
I know with my brain that we are all God’s children and He lives in us and sustains us or else we would return to the dust of the earth. But, when I try and try to see God in others that come into my scope of vision… I have such trouble remembering that God loves them just as He loves me. I can’t see beyond their words, which are sometimes ugly and profane, or their actions, which are sometimes raunchy. And I think of those things instead of God loving and living in them. Is there help for me? I want to do better, see better, say better.
**This is what it means to recognize human dignity, because of two facts:
  1. They are made in the Image and Likeness of GOD
  2. CHRIST died to redeem them just as much as us.
I also feel frusturation at times when people don’t respect themselves. They are made so beautiful and pure in the image of GOD, and they waste it :mad:. Well, so do I. Prayer, Prayer and Prayer are the remedy to this. **
This is why it’s important to get down to their level, to understand their path they choose even far from God’s grace, causes them so much misery and pain. In my travels, I find people that claim they have no faith nor belief in God, yet when it comes down to the reality of it all, they have never been explained who God really is and I too have no faith and belief in “their” obscure version of God. The story after their conversion is always the same, they look back with regret along why it took them this long to finally get it, and I get this same story from those that only recently entered the church, to those in it, but were not living it, and finally were awakened.

I plant many seeds, often I feel like I’m watering rocks, yet something inside keeps me optimistic, the great what If’s, and God has shown me his power, might, and mercy to transform even the most lowly of us into something wonderfully in line with his desire and will for us. Try to think in terms of eternity, and how a single soul that does not enter the kingdom of heaven is a loss for the whole body of Christ. We have a very brief amount of time on this earth, and sadly too many are squandering it, waiting for their days to end, rather then doing all they can to help bring others to Christ.

Our inheritance in this world is war, pestilence, starvation, greed, etc. think of what it would be like if instead of going to battle with weapons, we waged it through converting the non believers, and doing so in the manner Christ taught. This whole middle east conflict would come to an end, without bullets, without people dying. Moving on, the value of life being raised in areas where it has none, and again, it’s a matter of conversion, from India to China, to America, and abroad.
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