Alpha for Catholics

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What do you guys have on this program for me?

Can I be the first to ask “What the heck are you talking about?”

What do you guys have on this program for me?

My parish has done it with some success. The woman who runs it is quite orthodox, though not a theologian. I assisted in the first session. Caution however is advised. Theologically it is very generic and basic Christianity with little emphasis on the sacraments. Primarily it’s theology on salvation outside the Church is very weak as well. It emphasises spiritual gifts and tends to be a bit “pentecostal”. This can muddy the water with the need for baptism. Therefore it is a first step program that needs to be followed up with RCIA or some other form of instruction in Catholicism.

It does provide a method for bringing about good discussion and is a tool for bringing people to Christ.

Can I be the first to ask “What the heck are you talking about?”

Alpha is a program developed by an Anglican in England. Nicky Gumbel I think is his name. It is a basic introduction to Christianity that is supposed to be in a friendly setting, starting with a meal, a video, and then small group discussions. See my post above for comments.
Alpha is a program developed by an Anglican in England. Nicky Gumbel I think is his name. It is a basic introduction to Christianity that is supposed to be in a friendly setting, starting with a meal, a video, and then small group discussions. See my post above for comments.
Ahhh, thanks, had no clue what it was about…

In reading my diocese website and learning that a new evangelical movement is being being introduced to the parishes, it being Kerygma Karisma Koinonia (KeKaKo), I came to this site to see if any information could be found. I found a thread (Koinonia, anyone) and in reveiwing the postings and links I have some concerns about this movement (although one poster was very enthusiastic since he attended a retreat).

I followed a link provided by Darth_Catholic and although it seems on the surface to be catholic based, I found it to be more of a OSAS theology. Reading the information thru a few times certain phrases stood out: personally meeting Jesus as our lord and savior, teaching how to listen and “interpret” the word of god and becoming co-creators of the community.

Along with KeKaKo the Alpha course is being introduced, which by reading the links in this thread is a concern to me on its own.

The enthusiastic poster from above made a statement which left me puzzled. He emphasized four steps, the 4th being witness to Christs resurrection by removing the blockages and made reference to John 16:13 “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth”.
Continued from last post:

Please note I do not want to offend the enthusiactic poster: but from starting to learn and encompass all that our Lord Jesus has to offer thru his Church, I have learned the the Catholic faith has no blockages, it holds the truth, and has interpreted the word of god, and is the creator of the community in our Lord Jesus.

Again I do not want to offend anyone if I have misinterpreted what I have read that has caused me concern, but since my diocese is participating in this movement I am hoping that other groups are not trying to infiltrate the church by using a back door.

Walking Home
I’m from Sydney Australia.
We have run the Alpha course several times in our Parish with huge success.
I don’t know why it is getting bagged by most people here, we found it an excellent program.
Let’s be honest, the Catholic Church has not been big on evangelizing in the past.I know this for a fact because I was one of those who spent the first 26 years of my life not knowing why I did the things I did in church. As a result we have a majority of Catholic church goers who have been Sacramentalized but not yet Evangelized. Because of this they are easy prey to Fundamentalist Protestantism and Islam. I am involved in an Islamic forum and it is very sad to see that a large number of converts to Islam are ex-Catholics. And what is scarier still, the majority of these went to Catholic schools.
If there are better Catholic programs out there that we can use, let us hear about them. But don’t take the attitude that a program just is not good enough for Catholics to use simply because it comes from Protestants.
Surely the important thing is that it is an extremely useful tool to teach the word of God.
Another thing I want to comment on is that I get the impression from some of the posts here that it is not considered the done thing here for Catholics to place too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit. Have I been taught a different brand of Catholicism?
I thought it was the Holy Spirit that teaches us and helps us understand everything about God. Don’t we also have a Catholic Charismatic movement? So what is with the comment about “Pentecostalism”? :confused: :confused:


My comment is more with regard to it gives the impression perhaps that baptism is not neccessary. I am not against the Charismatic movement and in the Catholic context it is not as confusing for those who are ignorant of the Church teachings as the people who are being evangelized and even the leaders of the Alpha program I was involved in are. My words of caution are not just because it is Protestant. I have read the material and watched the videos. It’s mushy Christianity, some of it is not very consistent with Catholic theology and it would be very confusing for a Catholic. The concerns that it does not emphasize the sacraments are quite real. As a first step I think it might be used, though I guess I have a hard time saying it is good and recommend it. But it MUST be followed up by an RCIA program before anyone would be brought in to the Church. The one good thing about it is that it is an “icebreaker” and a means of getting your neighbors to the Church. It also does a pretty good job of explaining sin and the need for a savior.

I might add that Mr. Gumbel is a charismatic (not in the spiritual sense) speaker, able to mix in humor which keeps people’s attention. Once again though in the areas of sacraments and salvatoin with regard to the Church the tapes and materials are weak and confusing.
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