My prayers are with you and with the soul of your unborn child. Very often, even though we have gone, made a good confession and received absolution, we harbor a feeling of guilt. This is absolutely normal, but not necessary. I know I carried feelings of guilt for several years, even though I knew I had been forgiven. There was always that little voice, how could He forgive “this sin” that I committed? It took years for me to realize how marvelous His forgiveness is. The reason I told you that is you sound confused, torn. Don’t be. Find peace in His forgiveness.
This is what I meant by confused and torn. You do realize it is murder, but if you admit that, you’re admitting you committed it, if you can say well yes I did but it’s not the governments place to tell me it’s wrong… you’re attempting to shift the focus away from the sin. You know the government does indeed have a responsibility to pass laws against murder. It’s that simple. You’ve been forgiven by God. Forgive yourself. Holding on to this, you are questioning His power to forgive your sin, let it go. Find peace in His mercy. To answer your question, yes you are a Catholic, embrace it.