Am I allowed to burn/use my baptism candle?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pyjamarama
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I had two, one when I was baptised as a baby in a tiny non catholic church and one when I was baptised as an older child in a catholic church. I have no idea which one of these would have been my valid baptism. My oldest one was chewed up by my dog so I burnt/used it rather than destroy it. But the second one I have I would like to use rather than just sit in a drawer forever. Can I do this?
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It is a custom in some families to light one’s baptismal candle on the anniversary of one’s baptism.

Also, it is lovely to use the baptismal candles of both spouses at their wedding.

A candle is MEANT to be lit and burned!
In the East, one tradition is to use the baptismal candle on important events, such as marriage, Easter vigil, and also the person’s funeral.
Another custom is to have it burning until it’s spent at one’s funeral.
The custom I learned (back when Mount Hood was a hole in the ground) was that the candle was lit when one was receiving the Last Rites - Extreme Unction. And there was no reception of the sacrament when was seriously ill but not on one’s death bed (before anyone starts in about the current practice (which I gladly accept).
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