Am I allowed to do the following for personal healing?

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Hello, I’ve been working on healing and purifying myself but just ran into a few questions.

Am I allowed to put blessed olive oil on my own head. I know this shouldn’t be recognized as the sacrament of anointing the sick but am I allowed to put blessed olive oil on my head for personal healing and prayer.

Am I allowed to listen to a catholic exorcism prayer on Youtube that is recited by a catholic priest or catholic layman?

I have a picture of the blessed sacrament. Am I allowed to put the picture up in my room? I don’t want to turn my room into an alter though. If not, could I still have the picture of the blessed sacrament out while I pray?
I have blessed olive oil and I use it, I no of no reason that we cannot use it A picture of the Blessed Sacrament cannot find anything wrong with that. I do have a question, Why do you have to listen to an exorcism prayer, you did not state what was going on there. If need be say the prayer to St. Michael Do not burden yourself unjustly Take care and God Bless:🦋🦋🦋
Well I feel like something is wrong with me but I’m not sure if I should get too into that. Yes, I know the St. Michael prayer and I’m thinking I just need to grow in the catholic faith more (the virtue of faith).
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If you have doubts about the exorcism prayer then take a step back,You would be opening a whole new door,There is nothing wrong with you, again don’t be so hard on yourself… You have faith…hope and Love will follow,I will pray that you find the inner peace you are looking for,God Bless.🦋🦋🦋
Hi edjlopez,

I would recommend talking to your priest or Pastor if something is troubling you.

That’s what I do. They are there to help us and guide us.

You can certainly use a blessed holy oil on yourself, and holy water, too. The Church’s Sacramentals are there for our use.

God bless you! 🙂
None of these actions are no-no’s, but don’t let them become superstitions, esp. the exorcism. Prayer and fidelity come from the heart to dwell in the soul, of the soul. If any of the mentioned practices aid your spirituality in a POSITIVE MANER it would be gen. OK, but do consult with a priest. Do not let these practices become cultish. An keep a bottle of good shampoo on hand. Peace.
Thanks for you’re guys’ prayers. Yeah, I just need to make sure I’m not doing practices that I’m not suppose to do.
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