Am I asking too much from God?

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When I pray, I plan to ask God to help me ace my finals. Am I asking too much from God? I just want to make sure I’m not being selfish towards Him. Should I just pray that I pass overall for the year?
Dear PMV

No you are not asking too much of God, but you won’t ace your finals unless you put in the work yourself as well. If you are doing the work and doing your very best then I can’t see why you can’t ask God for help like that.

Don’t blame God if you don’t ace your finals. God allows some things to happen for our own good.

By the way, get off this forum and study :rotfl:

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

God helps those who help themselves.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember all you have learned.
Many saints write that God loves to be asked great deeds because it expresses our faith in Him and our trust in his power. However, as in the quote attributed to Saint Augustine, “we must work as everything depends on us and pray as if everything depends on God.” IMO, it is kind of an insult to God, to just pray for something and expect him to do all the work.
Nothing is impossible for God! Nothing! But if like the previous writer says, you must also put in your time of study as well. The important thing is that you try your very best, and not become frustrated if your very best nets you an average score. Keep working at it and never stop praying! Never!
When I pray, I plan to ask God to help me ace my finals. Am I asking too much from God? I just want to make sure I’m not being selfish towards Him. Should I just pray that I pass overall for the year?

I never asked to “ace” finals, I Asked for "B"s.

That was years ago. Now I would ask for me to do my best - what I am capable of doing…and not to make stupid mistakes.

But I can tell you that when you ask for special favors- you may not get them. You cant tell God WHEN to act, I know. Just last Thursday I was crushed, prayers were not answered. He let my grand daughter hang out on a limb, not only did He not answere prayers, He crushed my grand daughter.
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