Well, I don’t know how to start. So I’ll just let it out: I’m 19 years old and for nearly a year now I have discerned about joing the Holy Priesthood. But unfortunately, things have come up in my life by my own selfish doing in which make my strongly questions whether that would be possible due to my past consequential actions. And what I’m talking about is that I have been addicted to porn ever since I was 12. And out of this porn addiction, my brain has become desensitized to the point where heterosexual pornography was no longer gratifying to me and began to consume homosexual pornography. And I am well informed on the stance of homo-anything in admission to the Holy Priesthood.
This is the stance on homosexuality in admission to the priesthood as disqualifiers in the present moment from Holy Mother Church herself:
Men who are and cannot join the priesthood are those who:
The point being, now I don’t know if barred from the Priesthood now due to my past, regrettable actions. But there may be some light shining in this dark cave; the psychological effects of pornography are reversible! They can be cured and you can retrain your brain to go to the state it was before porn. Even if that happens, and years pass and I know longer am attracted to the things i used to be and now find those things appalling looking back from the future, would the past occurence of said act still permanently bar me from the Priesthood, even if I no longer have it? Did just put myself in a non-intentional life sentence from the priesthood due to my regrettable past sins?
This is the stance on homosexuality in admission to the priesthood as disqualifiers in the present moment from Holy Mother Church herself:
Men who are and cannot join the priesthood are those who:
- Are 100% active homosexuals, throwing it all out there, etc.
- People who contain homosexual tendencies/sympathy such as those who attend pride parades, frequent Gay bars, for any other reason than to protest against it, and support the gay culture/lifestyle, etc.
- The harder-to-understams one: those whom have deep homosexual tendencies. Like someone who the bishop cant trust to remain celibate or he cannot be/act like Christ/model Christ as Groom of the Chutch, etc.
The point being, now I don’t know if barred from the Priesthood now due to my past, regrettable actions. But there may be some light shining in this dark cave; the psychological effects of pornography are reversible! They can be cured and you can retrain your brain to go to the state it was before porn. Even if that happens, and years pass and I know longer am attracted to the things i used to be and now find those things appalling looking back from the future, would the past occurence of said act still permanently bar me from the Priesthood, even if I no longer have it? Did just put myself in a non-intentional life sentence from the priesthood due to my regrettable past sins?