Am I being selfish and lazy?
I have just recently been accepted into dental school, and will start in August, 2014.
I have been feeling a little worried that I might not be doing God’s will in my life. I feel that I might have chosen dentistry out of laziness or selfishness.
I want to list the reasons why I chose dentistry and ask if you think that I am being lazy or selfish in my motivation to become a dentist.
*]~My grades in college were not high enough for entry into medical school, and getting accepted into dental school was a little easier than getting accepted into medical school. So I decided to change my career path from becoming a doctor to becoming a dentist.
*] ~The lifestyle of a dentist is much easier than the lifestyle of a doctor. Dentist work a normal 9am to 5pm job. Doctors can sometimes work 38 hour shifts and not get to go home at night, especially when they are “on call.”
*] ~If a doctor does something wrong, the patient will die. The stress of being a doctor is much heavier than the stress of being a dentist.
*] ~After graduating from four years of dental school, I can begin working immediately as a dentist. However, after someone graduates from medical school, they cannot begin working as a doctor. Only after an additional four years of residency and possibly 1 – 3 years of fellowship can that person begin working as a doctor. This means that the person has to do extremely well within medical school in order to get accepted into a competitive residency such as radiology or dermatology or surgery.
*] ~I love the fact that dentists are still considered “doctors” but don’t have the work hours or stress of a medical doctor. I come from a family where we value honor/prestige very much, and becoming a “Doctor of Dental Surgery” will bring great honor to my parents.
*] ~Even if I do badly or mediocre in dental school, I will still be able to become a general dentist, which is great! But if I do badly in medical school, then I will not be able to apply into a competitive residency such as radiology or dermatology. The pressure for medical students to match into a good residency program is something that I do not want to go through. I don’t want to go to medical school and fear the possibility of getting rejected from a residency program. I don’t want to constantly be afraid of doing badly in school.
*] ~Most importantly, the reason why I chose dentistry is because of the comfortable life style. Working 9am to 5pm? What more can I ask for? That’s the perfect life. I could have the rest of the day or the entire weekend just to rest and relax and pray.
But the thing that I worry about is being lazy. Do you think that my desire to become a dentist because of the easy “9am-5pm” work life is lazy? I feel so selfish saying this. But it has been my dream to become a dentist ever since I was in junior high, and I have been working really hard – just so that I can live a comfortable lifestyle and be able to rest when I get home. Is that such a bad thing?
In my mind, the life style of dentist (9am-5pm) seems so perfect and wonderful – it is my dream to live that life. Am I settling for a really lazy life?
Am I settling for a really comfortable life? Is it a bad thing to want to live a comfortable life? Am I being lazy?
I work so hard in school, and now, I just want to rest and get out of all that drama and stress. I’m so tired, and I am only 22 years old. Is that being lazy?
Sometimes I watch the news, and I see poor children in other parts of the world who are dying of starvation and cancer and disease – and I feel so horrible because I know that after graduating dental school, I will have a really easy, comfortable life. I feel guilty because everything in my life right now is going so perfectly. My dream finally came true! I finally got accepted into my top-choice dental school! But I feel so guilty.
I don’t know what to do. Please help me.
I have just recently been accepted into dental school, and will start in August, 2014.
I have been feeling a little worried that I might not be doing God’s will in my life. I feel that I might have chosen dentistry out of laziness or selfishness.
I want to list the reasons why I chose dentistry and ask if you think that I am being lazy or selfish in my motivation to become a dentist.
*] ~The lifestyle of a dentist is much easier than the lifestyle of a doctor. Dentist work a normal 9am to 5pm job. Doctors can sometimes work 38 hour shifts and not get to go home at night, especially when they are “on call.”
*] ~If a doctor does something wrong, the patient will die. The stress of being a doctor is much heavier than the stress of being a dentist.
*] ~After graduating from four years of dental school, I can begin working immediately as a dentist. However, after someone graduates from medical school, they cannot begin working as a doctor. Only after an additional four years of residency and possibly 1 – 3 years of fellowship can that person begin working as a doctor. This means that the person has to do extremely well within medical school in order to get accepted into a competitive residency such as radiology or dermatology or surgery.
*] ~I love the fact that dentists are still considered “doctors” but don’t have the work hours or stress of a medical doctor. I come from a family where we value honor/prestige very much, and becoming a “Doctor of Dental Surgery” will bring great honor to my parents.
*] ~Even if I do badly or mediocre in dental school, I will still be able to become a general dentist, which is great! But if I do badly in medical school, then I will not be able to apply into a competitive residency such as radiology or dermatology. The pressure for medical students to match into a good residency program is something that I do not want to go through. I don’t want to go to medical school and fear the possibility of getting rejected from a residency program. I don’t want to constantly be afraid of doing badly in school.
*] ~Most importantly, the reason why I chose dentistry is because of the comfortable life style. Working 9am to 5pm? What more can I ask for? That’s the perfect life. I could have the rest of the day or the entire weekend just to rest and relax and pray.
But the thing that I worry about is being lazy. Do you think that my desire to become a dentist because of the easy “9am-5pm” work life is lazy? I feel so selfish saying this. But it has been my dream to become a dentist ever since I was in junior high, and I have been working really hard – just so that I can live a comfortable lifestyle and be able to rest when I get home. Is that such a bad thing?
In my mind, the life style of dentist (9am-5pm) seems so perfect and wonderful – it is my dream to live that life. Am I settling for a really lazy life?
Am I settling for a really comfortable life? Is it a bad thing to want to live a comfortable life? Am I being lazy?
I work so hard in school, and now, I just want to rest and get out of all that drama and stress. I’m so tired, and I am only 22 years old. Is that being lazy?
Sometimes I watch the news, and I see poor children in other parts of the world who are dying of starvation and cancer and disease – and I feel so horrible because I know that after graduating dental school, I will have a really easy, comfortable life. I feel guilty because everything in my life right now is going so perfectly. My dream finally came true! I finally got accepted into my top-choice dental school! But I feel so guilty.
I don’t know what to do. Please help me.