I believe that if it is in existence, it is part of God. Even so, one distinction does make sense to me: the distinction between the creator and the creation, which is essentially the creator’s will. Today’s definition of Jesus as the ‘son’ separate from creation seems to be a man-made misinterpretation of the true mystery of God. To me, Jesus must be the consciousness that encompasses all of creation, and the witness to all of creation…otherwise Christianity seems…incomplete to me. He represents the perfect state where " all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell" (Colossians 1:19). He’s one with God’s will. All lesser consciousness are part of this ultimate creation, Jesus. All of unseen and seen universe is a play between the Father (creator), and the Son (the only real creation). That’s how I make sense of the “only begotten son”. We are part of this play because we are part of the Son, him as the head, and us as the body, each one of us making up different parts of the body. As we increasingly realize that we are one–that we are part of this divine wholeness that is Jesus, and our actions towards self and others mirror that realization; we move up to a higher level of consciousness.When you do that, you are rejecting this world of duality, and relying on the created, and the ultimate creation to guide you through ALL trials posed by the mirage of duality so that you may come to the truth. This is why Jesus emphasized poverty and denial of material world so much. It is an outward sign of the denial of your spiritual self and physical self as separate from Jesus, and a process which enables merging with the Son. Basically anything that feeds your sense of self as separate from God, and in the physical world works to your detriment in reaching God. In order to deny yourself, and affirm that only Jesus, the ultimate creation created by God exists, you have to be humble. This is why Jesus hated the arrogance of the Pharisees, and emphasized that meek will inherit the kingdom. Unfortunately, atheist today are prey to that evil. Religion and spirituality is NOT about you, it’s about understanding that only God and his will manifested (Jesus) exists. The more you affirm that eternal truth with all your being, the more you will see the mysteries of this world explained through divine knowledge, and the closer you will be to your true home, in Jesus. Evil to me is duality, and Satan perhaps is the pure embodiment of that. This principle of duality was created by God and thrust upon the ultimate creation so that Creation/Jesus was separated into lesser consciousnesses, while the perfect state, Jesus, still witnesses these parts of Him. God has given Jesus power over Satan, just as oneness has power over duality, just as whole comes before parts, just as united we stand, divided we fall. Thus the more we rely on Jesus, that easier it become to overcome duality/Evil/Satan. I think God lovingly waits for us to overcome this duality and come to oneness, and all the pain and suffering in this world is part of that overcoming. Finally, the way to overcome is to continue to give everything to God in the midst of your deepest pain, and in your darkest hour so that God slowly brings you into oneness with him by merging you with his will, Jesus.