I’m not even sure if this belongs in this forum but I wasn’t sure where else to put it. I don’t know if there is something truly wrong with me, if I’m just, by nature, forgetful, or if there is something else at work with me. I’ve always been forgetful (before you start thinking age, I’m only 32). I forget birthdays, appointments, you name it, I’ve forgotten it. I even forgot a court case I needed to go to once. My huband jokes that I’m the only person he knows who can go to the store for milk, come back with 10 other things, but forget the milk.
Anyway, on to more serious matters. I have been on a continuous journey to deepen my faith and live it more fully in many ways. One of these things has been to resolve to go to Confession more frequently (once a month as opposed to once every year or two). I chronically forget, however. I’ve even tried marking it down on my calender. I plan to go on Sat. I think about it all week. Then Sat. comes and goes, and I haven’t given it a thought all day and then feel terrible come Sunday. I don’t have any mortal sins to confess or anything but I want to gain strength from the grace I know I will earn by going. Plus I want to set a good example for my children.
This is just one example. I want to go to Adoration occasionally, but forget on the days when we have it at our parish. I want to start saying more prayers and devotions. Again, I forget most days. It absolutely drives me crazy. I have begun to wonder if it’s some conspiracy by the evil one to keep me from doing what I know I need to do. Like I said, this has wreked havoc in my personal/secular life as well. It’s terrible and embarressing. I try to keep notes and lists, but more often than not I forget to write things down too. What is wrong with me?? I would appreciate any thoughts or advice on this area. People get real tired of hearing, “I forgot.”
Thank you and God bless, Jen
Anyway, on to more serious matters. I have been on a continuous journey to deepen my faith and live it more fully in many ways. One of these things has been to resolve to go to Confession more frequently (once a month as opposed to once every year or two). I chronically forget, however. I’ve even tried marking it down on my calender. I plan to go on Sat. I think about it all week. Then Sat. comes and goes, and I haven’t given it a thought all day and then feel terrible come Sunday. I don’t have any mortal sins to confess or anything but I want to gain strength from the grace I know I will earn by going. Plus I want to set a good example for my children.
This is just one example. I want to go to Adoration occasionally, but forget on the days when we have it at our parish. I want to start saying more prayers and devotions. Again, I forget most days. It absolutely drives me crazy. I have begun to wonder if it’s some conspiracy by the evil one to keep me from doing what I know I need to do. Like I said, this has wreked havoc in my personal/secular life as well. It’s terrible and embarressing. I try to keep notes and lists, but more often than not I forget to write things down too. What is wrong with me?? I would appreciate any thoughts or advice on this area. People get real tired of hearing, “I forgot.”
Thank you and God bless, Jen