Hi All,
Good post. I see there are many varying ideas about this one.
Let me quote some of the good ol’ Magesterium for you…because I’ve asked similar questions before, I decided to look to the source
CCC 1868:
"Sin is a personal act. Moreover,
we have a responsibility for the sins commited by others when we cooperate in them:
- By participating directly and voluntarily in them;
- by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them;
- by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so;
- by protecting evil-doers"
Some people have an objection to the straight-forwardness of this passage, maybe saying following the letter of it is not really “pastoral”, or gentle. To that I say that all actions must be caried out in love (Having been around my share of clanging cymbals, if you catch my meaning…1 Cor 13). But here is a good quote about what it REALLY means to be “pastoral” from our Holy Father PJP II:
From Theology of the Body, p. 392:
“Pastoral concern means the search for the one true good of man, a promotion of the values engraved in his person by God. That is, it means observing that rule of understanding which is directed to the ever clearer discovery of God’s plan for human love, in the certitude that the only true good of the human person consists in fulfilling this devine plan.”
In other words: If you really care about someone, you will tell them they are in sin, because if you don’t, they may never find the narrow path, where we find our true meaning and purpose in the plan of God.
God Bless!