Am I the only one here who sometimes feels depressed for knowing that we will never

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enjoy human art again once we die?

I remember someone famous said (it is a shame I cant rememebr the quote) in his last words, dying in his bed that what he regrets the most is never listening to some Mahler Symphony again.

It makes me thinks that all the books we write, the song we makes, the great buildings, and all the beautiful things humans make are pointless, and it makes me feel like God hates us, I know it is wrong, but that is how I feel.
enjoy human art again once we die?

I remember someone famous said (it is a shame I cant rememebr the quote) in his last words, dying in his bed that what he regrets the most is never listening to some Mahler Symphony again.

It makes me thinks that all the books we write, the song we makes, the great buildings, and all the beautiful things humans make are pointless, and it makes me feel like God hates us, I know it is wrong, but that is how I feel.
Dear friend

God is Creator. He has gifted humans with the ability to create and also by way of children to procreate.

I can’t say for sure what will happen after God has Created the new earth and the new heaven what it will be like. But as God is Creator, I feel safe to trust that He will allow humans to create also.

I can’t say for sure and neither can the person who is despondnat say that we will not be allowed to create…I personally think God may very well allow human creativity to continue in some ‘spiritual’ form with which we will be happy, as it is only God Himself that we will need to be happy for all of eternit. I feel certain that those who are creative will find eternal happiness in contemplating and being enlightened to God’s own Creativity.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Isn’t this sort of like saying.

Aren’t you depressed because you will never open a “GI JOE/BARBIE” doll again at Christmas and have the same profound joy that you had as a 5 year old?

You make assume many things in this statement; you could just outgrow the things on earth and have much much more, or you could be aware of all of the glorious things that all humans have done for the glory of God. Why limit yourself in death?

Art does have a point. It beautifies and enlightens the world we live in. When we get to Heaven, however, it’ll be so awesome and happy that we won’t even miss it.🙂
That’s why I try to look at things that will last beyond me.

An act of mercy can set off an eternal chain reaction that will outlive us.

Helping someone else enjoy the beauty we see can set off a chain reaction that will outlive us.

Teaching children can have payoff in generations following.

Enjoying art makes us more peaceful and joyous, and therefore better predisposes us to perform acts of mercy.

And so it is, blah, blah, blah.

To answer your questions, I don’t so much dread the loss of human art, as the fear of having direct earthly control. Once I build up my faith sufficiently, I should be able to face death with no apprehension. In theory, anyway.

Canticle to Sister Death.
                          All praise be yours, my Lord, 
                          for our Sister Physical Death 
                          from whose embrace no mortal can escape.
                          Woe to those who die in mortal sin!
                          Happy are those she finds doing your most holy will!
                          The second death can do no harm to them.
To answer your questions, I don’t so much dread the loss of human art, as the fear of having direct earthly control. Once I build up my faith sufficiently, I should be able to face death with no apprehension. In theory, anyway.

I dont think I understand what you are saying here, sory

english is not my first language
I dont think I understand what you are saying here, sory

english is not my first language
What I mean is that I am not afraid to miss beautiful things too much. I am afraid of losing my body, because I cannot directly do anything on this earth.

I am trying to live my life so that I have passed along all the goodness I can to my children, friends, and other people. That way the beauty I found will live on in the hearts of others after I am gone.

I am also saying that acts of beauty and kindness are eternal, and their effects last forever.

Dear Asking,

I work as a nurse. Whenever I have patients who have died and then resuscitated, I ask them what it was like.

One patient gave me a description which I think will help with your concern that we won’t be able to see earthly art or hear music again.

She said that as she entered “the light” it was full of colors. And these were colors she had never seen before. They were more beautiful than anything she had ever seen before. They encompassed a spectrum not able to be seen by the human eye. The closest that she could compare it to was light full of apricot. But this was totally inadequate to describe it. And while here on earth, color only has one dimension, it had more there. The colors sang like music. And both the colors and the music was greater than anything she had ever seen or heard here on earth. And she could also feel the colors. And they gave her such peace and joy that she wanted to stay there forever. But she was told that she had not completed her mission and must come back.

I guess it’s like St. Paul said “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him.”

If you appreciate art and music here, you can only look forward to what heaven will have for you. It will definitely surpass anything here. Perhaps in heaven, even Michaelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling will look like the scribble drawings we put on our refrigerators that our children make for us.

God gave us the ability to create. We are made in his image, doesnt it make sense that we would emulate him?

besides once you see the beatific vision, human art and beauty will be like the scribbles of a kindergardender or a baby pounding at a piano.
I don’t assume that we will not be able to enjoy or to create art in heaven. Since it is a human activity, it may possibly be perfected in heaven. I really wouldn’t make any assumptions about what we can’t do in heaven.
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