I’m not saying the AMA is wrong in saying that doctors should not participate in executions. However, I think their standards could do with a strong dose of reality check, washed down by a pint of consistency.
The AMA apparently has no qualms about allowing physicians to “cause an execution to be carried out” on an innocent unborn child, but they do have a problem with a physician participating in the execution of a criminal who, according to the justice system, has deprived himself, through his own actions, of the right to live.The AMA code, which was created in 1980, says physicians should not be participants in executions and defines participation to include “an action that would assist, supervise or contribute to the ability of another individual to directly cause the death of the condemned and an action which could automatically cause an execution to be carried out on a condemned prisoner.”
I’m not saying the AMA is wrong in saying that doctors should not participate in executions. However, I think their standards could do with a strong dose of reality check, washed down by a pint of consistency.