Lima (Agenzia Fides) - “Advent invites us to look forward to the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ with faith and hope, as it will open an entirely new dimension to us, leading us to an interior and exterior conversion, to be more fraternal in our relations, to prayer, and to a sincere effort to seek the Living Christ incarnate in each one of us,” the Bishops of Peru said in their Advent Message to all the faithful. The Bishops recall, first of all, the recent experience of solidarity among economic leaders of Asia and the Pacific, “that encourages us and is shown through various agreements on mutual cooperation and commercial trade, in favor of the well-being of our people.” There are also signs of hope being seen “in the growth of macro-economy and the new development opportunities being opened in Peru.” However, in spite of all these signs, the Bishop mention the fact that there are also several grave problems such as: social injustice, economic instability, great disparity among the people and towns, the plague of corruption, and social and political violence in its many manifestations and expressions. In particular, in regards to corruption, they consider that it “generates a systematic lack of confidence in regards to the state and public institutions.” Thus, they encourage the government initiative for an integral plan against corruption, both in prevention and in prosecution of violators. As Pastors of the Church, they show their deep concern for the “reigning immorality that corrupts consciences, behavior, and undermines the fundamental values of life, marriage, and the family.” In light of this urgent situation, they ask that the mass media use professional and responsible attitudes, as their work should be “always inspired and founded on firm and ethical criteria, above all respect for the person, and for the permanent values that support the family and love for the truth.” Advent is “a good time for conversion, forgiveness, and reconciliation, which we should all place in practice so as to live as brothers.” Thus, the Bishops make an appeal to authorities, to all sectors of society, to all men and women of good will, “so that together we may do our part, with responsibility and solidarity, in building a more peaceful and just Peru that guarantees a decent life for all Peruvians, including those most in need.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 3/12/2008)
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