I find amusing the articles, headlines and social media rants against political candidates. I’ve lived long enough to see a lot of national elections. Each time I think “well, after seeing the damage this candidate has caused, surely the public will wake up.” I guess not yet…
Our presidential candidates aren’t the problem, they are a reflection of the collective voice of the electorate. If you want to see the collective mindset, maturity level, knowledge and understanding of the average American, look at the platform of the major political parties.
In 4 years, the federal government will be bigger, the citizenry will be paying more of their income towards supporting the largess that is the US government, and the rights/power of the individual citizen will be eroded to some degree. Regardless of tax rates, hidden fees and more regulatory costs always eventually get paid by the individual citizen.
Each of the main parties will be spending one billion dollars vying for a job which pays four hundred thousand dollars a year. That’s the equivalent of someone paying a million dollars to secure a job paying forty thousand dollars a year, all paid for by contributors who expect to be paid back by their candidate. I mean the military contractors, government suppliers and financiers, not the American Citizen. Either of the choices who wind up in the Oval Office are there to distribute the money the government takes from its people to give to their supporters, and only tangentially to give enough back to the electorate to keep them quieted.
So, when I hear “he’s a crook, she’s a crook”, I just smile. You’re exactly right, but you probably don’t realize the one they’re taking from is the person reading this sentence right now…
Just wanted to give a bit of a different perspective.
Our presidential candidates aren’t the problem, they are a reflection of the collective voice of the electorate. If you want to see the collective mindset, maturity level, knowledge and understanding of the average American, look at the platform of the major political parties.
In 4 years, the federal government will be bigger, the citizenry will be paying more of their income towards supporting the largess that is the US government, and the rights/power of the individual citizen will be eroded to some degree. Regardless of tax rates, hidden fees and more regulatory costs always eventually get paid by the individual citizen.
Each of the main parties will be spending one billion dollars vying for a job which pays four hundred thousand dollars a year. That’s the equivalent of someone paying a million dollars to secure a job paying forty thousand dollars a year, all paid for by contributors who expect to be paid back by their candidate. I mean the military contractors, government suppliers and financiers, not the American Citizen. Either of the choices who wind up in the Oval Office are there to distribute the money the government takes from its people to give to their supporters, and only tangentially to give enough back to the electorate to keep them quieted.
So, when I hear “he’s a crook, she’s a crook”, I just smile. You’re exactly right, but you probably don’t realize the one they’re taking from is the person reading this sentence right now…
Just wanted to give a bit of a different perspective.