I think we should vote for candidates, not parties. We should vote for people, not parties. Sometimes, the so called third parties have the best guy for the job. Sometimes, they have, by far the worst. I can’t offer you any advice but this: there is nothing in the catechism that says you must only vote for of two parties. In fact, Jimmy Akin made that point in a dispute he was having with Mark Shea. (Jimmy agreed that Mark could, in good conscious, vote third party, but Jimmy’s point was the voting for McCain was not sinful). When someone tells you that you’re wasting your vote, remind them of two things: 1) It’s your vote to waste, and 2) Every vote counts. Oh and the “helping the other guy” myth, that needs to stop. It’s statistically improbable that you would help get another person elected. They tried to say that in the 1992 election, but a lot of people that voted for Ross Perot, probably would not have voted for Bush or Clinton, anyway. A two party system is only one party away from a one party state.