I posted this on the traditionalist thread. But it is relevant here. As I said in that post, I am not sure of the official status of the FC group. But that they openly acknowlege the need for Biblical witness as they do in their current issue is telling.
Devotion the the Fatima apparitions or the extradorinary form is not, IMO, sufficient. One needs to be totally Scripture based too and be able to give a reason/explanation for the hope one has/
To repost my post from the tradtional Thread:
Interesting un-intended compliment to Dr. Hahn in the current Fatima Crusader. I am not sure if that group is considered schismatic or not by the church.
In any case, their latest issue (#87, Autumn 2007) features stories on their recent convention in Brazil.
They are open in admitting the collapse of Catholicism in that country. 2 Protestant pastors for every priest. The disappointing turnout for the Pope at Aparcedia. I’d heard the secular press comment on the small turnout in Brazil but thought it was perhaps prejudiced. The FC notes 400,000 were expected but just 150,000 turned ut. While 1.5 million Pentecostals marched for Jesus at about the same time nearby.
But getting back to Hahn. A back-handed compliment of sorts I guess. One article titled “Why The Mass Exodus To Protestanism” is pretty much an affirmation of his evangelical Bible-based Catholicsm.
The author is honest in admitting the witness of Hahn despite the author’s regrets. To quote “I personally wish Dr. Hahn would have become more traditional after his conversion, but that does not diminish the strength of his story”.
The honesty of this article is compelling as it speaks to the lack of witness, evangelical spirit/Bible literacy among Fatima devotees and traditionalists and more generally Catholics.
Maybe that is why the Filipino co-worker of mine who shared the FC with me has lost all her children to fundamentalism despite a traditionalist upbringing. She is finally getting it. Studying Scripture. Being prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in her.
She still attends an indult Mass, but she is reading Scripture and linking to evanagelical Catholic sites, not especially traditionalist per se, to complete her faith.
Devotion the the Fatima apparitions or the extradorinary form is not, IMO, sufficient. One needs to be totally Scripture based too and be able to give a reason/explanation for the hope one has/
To repost my post from the tradtional Thread:
Interesting un-intended compliment to Dr. Hahn in the current Fatima Crusader. I am not sure if that group is considered schismatic or not by the church.
In any case, their latest issue (#87, Autumn 2007) features stories on their recent convention in Brazil.
They are open in admitting the collapse of Catholicism in that country. 2 Protestant pastors for every priest. The disappointing turnout for the Pope at Aparcedia. I’d heard the secular press comment on the small turnout in Brazil but thought it was perhaps prejudiced. The FC notes 400,000 were expected but just 150,000 turned ut. While 1.5 million Pentecostals marched for Jesus at about the same time nearby.
But getting back to Hahn. A back-handed compliment of sorts I guess. One article titled “Why The Mass Exodus To Protestanism” is pretty much an affirmation of his evangelical Bible-based Catholicsm.
The author is honest in admitting the witness of Hahn despite the author’s regrets. To quote “I personally wish Dr. Hahn would have become more traditional after his conversion, but that does not diminish the strength of his story”.
The honesty of this article is compelling as it speaks to the lack of witness, evangelical spirit/Bible literacy among Fatima devotees and traditionalists and more generally Catholics.
Maybe that is why the Filipino co-worker of mine who shared the FC with me has lost all her children to fundamentalism despite a traditionalist upbringing. She is finally getting it. Studying Scripture. Being prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in her.
She still attends an indult Mass, but she is reading Scripture and linking to evanagelical Catholic sites, not especially traditionalist per se, to complete her faith.