An Insight For Today

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“…if the standards of the world were the real ones. …any fool knows that you don’t need money to get enjoyment out of life.
If what most people take for granted were really true- if all you needed to be happy was to grab everything and see everything and investigate every experience and then talk about it, I should have been a very happy person, a spiritual millionaire, from the cradle even until now.
If happiness were merely a matter of natural gifts, I would never have entered a Trappist monastery when I came to the age of a man.”

From the first chapter of The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton.

I find this a very moving and relevent insight into our world of today. Does ths speak to anyone else?
Pax vobiscum,
Dear friend

Yes it does speak to me and it is beautiful.

It says to me what I truly believe, that nothing on this earth can ever fill that gaping hole in man that is his true need for living in union with God. Nothing on earth can ever make man whole even though things on the earth can give man delight and pleasure, it is all temporary and that elation doesn’t last.

People chase after earthly things believing it will bring them contentment and peace of heart, mind and soul, all it ever does is leaving man wanting more and the appetite is never satisfied, that hole within still gaping.

The lasting things are of God and are God who is eternal and it is only through Christ Jesus living in friendship and in the love of God that humanity finds true happiness and true peace of mind, heart and soul and that gaping hole is filled. It is in turning from the pursuit of earthly things and turning to God that mankind finds it’s true self and is fulfilled.

Thank you for posting this; it is beautiful.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


p.s. maybe the title of the thread has not attracted many viewers ?😦 I don’t know because the content is excellent. Thank you Church Millitant. 🙂
Sounds good to me. I tended to be most miserable when my grandparents would give me anything I wanted. Though I often kid about my tight finances, they may be a blessing in many ways too. As I try to simplify my life, I give away more and more of my things and find more joy and appreciation in life.

I still would not pass up a low cost computer and internet access to get to this site from home 😃
Maybe not too many posts because everyone agrees with it. I’ve noticed that the threads that get a lot of posts are the ones where people are arguing with each other.
I agree with Buzzcut. This is just beautiful and very timely for me to read. My husband and I struggle so much financially (for almost our entire 18 year marriage). It seems as if things start looking up and then BAM, it’s all taken away. Perhaps I need to look at this as a blessing, instead? I normally would not have posted because I agree with it:) FYI

God Bless
Over the past couple of years, I have learned that many of the things “I had to have” are no longer important to me. Oh, I do like nice things, but I am happy with those I have. In the past year I have found what it is I have truly wanted, the Catholic faith. I feel I am rich beyond belief!
~ Kathy ~
Simplicity of life is probably part of the path to personal peace.
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