An introduction to my Apostolate:

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Greetings all my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ken Henderson and I am a convert to the faith. I became fully converted to the Catholic faith 2 years ago and I now run a ministry called True Knights which can be found at

Before I was converted I was an addict to pornography, practicing wicca-type paganism, and other new-age type practices. In a cry of desperation I was set free of my bondage and subsequently my marriage, my family and my soul was saved! I have help for my who struggle with issues of purity and chastity here…

You can read my Conversion Story here…

My ministry, True Knights, is dedicated to helping men become pure and chaste men, the best husbands, fathers, sons, & pastors, that God has called them to be. To become True Knights. I have a lot of helpful information for ALL men and ALL Catholics and non-Catholics.

A big part of my ministry is also Apologetics as I was forced to learn how to defend the faith as the One True Faith. Also, it was ultimately the Witness of the Early Church Fathers and the evidence of Catholic teachings in the Scriptures that brought me fully to understand the Catholic Church as the One True Church, established by Jesus Christ. You can see the links to the apologetics section of True Knights on the front page.

I am available for speaking engagements as well. If you would like more information you can visit my infomation page at trueknights/booktalk.html

God Bless and May All Glory go to God for all His Goodness,
Nice site but it seems to be directed more towards married men.
Yes, the emphasis is married men…since I am married. But all men can struggle with purity…married or single. So while I may have info specifically for married men, the majority of all the information can apply to ALL men…in fact ALL people, male or female, Catholic or non-Catholic.

Thanks for your comments and God bless,
Wow, you’ve been busy. I just got a look at your site and look forward to exploring it when I am at my leisure.

Nice work, eyecatching, I look forward to exploring (especially where I am a married male).

By the way, I am new to the faith too (1 -2 years). Even though I’m a cradle Catholic. “Revert” I understand is the term.
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