From our parish bulletin:
Has your life been enriched by someone who chose you, someone who invited you on a date, for a meal, to the theater, into a relationship? Jesus often sends his invitation into relationship with him through a friend. Do you know someone who might be waiting to be asked to meet Him in an RCIA group, perhaps in the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Eucharist?
You can be the voice of Jesus and extend His Invitation to friends, acquaintances, or family members who might otherwise not hear His voice calling them to join or return to the Church, to meet Him in the Sacraments; to be in relationship with Him and His people. Not everyone sees, reads or responds to invitations in our Bulletin. Some are waiting to be invited by you. Invite someone today. It only takes a moment and may change someone’s life forever; for all eternity.
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Do such invitations actually work? I would love to hear stories.
Has your life been enriched by someone who chose you, someone who invited you on a date, for a meal, to the theater, into a relationship? Jesus often sends his invitation into relationship with him through a friend. Do you know someone who might be waiting to be asked to meet Him in an RCIA group, perhaps in the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Eucharist?
You can be the voice of Jesus and extend His Invitation to friends, acquaintances, or family members who might otherwise not hear His voice calling them to join or return to the Church, to meet Him in the Sacraments; to be in relationship with Him and His people. Not everyone sees, reads or responds to invitations in our Bulletin. Some are waiting to be invited by you. Invite someone today. It only takes a moment and may change someone’s life forever; for all eternity.
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Do such invitations actually work? I would love to hear stories.