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Hi everyone,
(not sure if this is the right forum. I explain at the end why this isn’t in the moral theology forum, so I apologize if that’s where it should be. Please move if necessary) I can’t find it at the moment, but a couple of days ago I saw an ad for Covenant Eyes on Facebook. The comments, unfortunately, were mostly negative/cynical/pessimistic from people with (seemingly) a secular worldview. The general response from those people were that all of the warping that masturbation and porn does to the brain is no different than that of any other type of addiction. A person who is an alcoholic is just as trapped for example. And some of the people in the comments were even talking about how (discretion is perhaps advised for this part), they and their partners “pleasure themselves mutually” and doing so “brings them closer together” since they “learn more about what turns the other on.”
That got me thinking… those two points go against what people like Matt Fradd constantly mention when promoting Covenant Eyes. Fradd has said that porn specifically warps the brain in such a way that it isolates a person and makes them lonelier. But apparently there are couples who watch porn together and it brings them closer. And it seems like the warping of the brain happens more when it becomes an addiction, like anything else – not exclusive to porn or masturbation.
I then looked things up online and read various medical journals from doctors. There were some that talked about the negative side effects of masturbation, but in general most doctors said the health side-effects that people hear about are myths, and in fact, when it’s done in moderation, there are even health benefits.
What I want to know is, how do you debate people from a scientific/health perspective that porn/masturbation in and of itself (meaning putting the addiction aspect aside) is wrong. Apparently alcohol addiction has the same effects, but drinking alcohol in and of itself is not a sin. I KNOW porn/masturbation is a sin, because it goes against the purpose of sex that God intended! I DO NOT NEED CONVINCING OF THAT! I’m just wondering how to debate people from a medical perspective. This thread is not meant to be read from a moral point of view, which is why I didn’t initially put it in the moral theology forum
Hi everyone,
(not sure if this is the right forum. I explain at the end why this isn’t in the moral theology forum, so I apologize if that’s where it should be. Please move if necessary) I can’t find it at the moment, but a couple of days ago I saw an ad for Covenant Eyes on Facebook. The comments, unfortunately, were mostly negative/cynical/pessimistic from people with (seemingly) a secular worldview. The general response from those people were that all of the warping that masturbation and porn does to the brain is no different than that of any other type of addiction. A person who is an alcoholic is just as trapped for example. And some of the people in the comments were even talking about how (discretion is perhaps advised for this part), they and their partners “pleasure themselves mutually” and doing so “brings them closer together” since they “learn more about what turns the other on.”
That got me thinking… those two points go against what people like Matt Fradd constantly mention when promoting Covenant Eyes. Fradd has said that porn specifically warps the brain in such a way that it isolates a person and makes them lonelier. But apparently there are couples who watch porn together and it brings them closer. And it seems like the warping of the brain happens more when it becomes an addiction, like anything else – not exclusive to porn or masturbation.
I then looked things up online and read various medical journals from doctors. There were some that talked about the negative side effects of masturbation, but in general most doctors said the health side-effects that people hear about are myths, and in fact, when it’s done in moderation, there are even health benefits.
What I want to know is, how do you debate people from a scientific/health perspective that porn/masturbation in and of itself (meaning putting the addiction aspect aside) is wrong. Apparently alcohol addiction has the same effects, but drinking alcohol in and of itself is not a sin. I KNOW porn/masturbation is a sin, because it goes against the purpose of sex that God intended! I DO NOT NEED CONVINCING OF THAT! I’m just wondering how to debate people from a medical perspective. This thread is not meant to be read from a moral point of view, which is why I didn’t initially put it in the moral theology forum
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