An unexpected evangelization moment in a bookstore

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I attended the noon Mass at a nearby parish (different diocese; our priests are mostly on retreat and Mass schedule is cut down).
(TL:DR: God is so good! Praise the Holy Spirit!)

I took a different route home, and drove by a (locally) renowned used bookstore. At the last second, I decided to stop in and look around (thanks God for the nearby parking spot in the rain). As I browsed, I found the Religious section, and the only other customer in the store was standing there as well: a young man in his mid-20s. I joked that it was funny that we were the only two in the store, and we both wanted the same section of books.  He laughed and smiled. He then mentioned that he had just read a good book about Martin Luther. I smiled and remarked that he was a very historical figure. I then told him, “I’m Catholic, so Martin Luther isn’t someone we really admire, although I’m sure he did have some very good contributions.” He laughed as well, and we started talking from there. I remarked that I had just left Mass, and he shared with me he had just had a meeting with his sponsor from AA, who is Catholic. He told me he attends a non-denominational, somewhat Baptist church nearby.

We talked, and soon I was sharing with him my story about the Holy Spirit from a few years back. He listened intently and was amazed at the story, but of course knew I was telling the truth. He then showed me the book in his hand; it was about the Holy Spirit. We continued to have a very long conversation, and he spoke of the Holy Spirit quite extensively. He also asked if I had been to an area Catholic retreat; he had attended with his sponsor, and met many wonderful people. He quoted Bible verses to me, and they were either some I had just read this week, or from a book I had started reading. We talked about the great Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I talk a lot, but I was able to listen. More than once, he commented on how frustrating it was that people would go to church or Mass, but then walk out and not live the faith, and continue sinning. I think that was the message the Lord was giving me from this young man: live your Faith. I try to do that, but could always improve. We had a great conversation, and I told him he should think about, pray about, becoming Catholic. We shared many stories, thoughts. I remarked how we might never know the impact of us both being there and sharing with each other, but that it was where the Holy Spirit wanted us (his was a last second decision to come in as well); later, the store clerk who checked me out was wearing a shirt that said “Darwin” on the front.  Perhaps our words reached him or someone else who came in after us to consider Catholicism, or drawing closer to Jesus Christ.

After over an hour of sharing, and numerous signs from the Holy Spirit that showed both of us that we were where we were supposed to be, I departed. Before I left, I gave him a laminated card of the Mysteries of the Rosary; he had remarked how much he loved all our prayers. I didn’t even know the card was in my purse! Thank you, Jesus! I then asked him if I could say a prayer with him. We held hands and bowed our heads. I had no idea what prayer was coming, but the Hail Mary poured out of me. I gave him a hug, and told him that I looked forward to seeing him again someday. I told him if I made any sense, or touched him in any way, all Glory is to God, and if I didn’t make sense, that was all me. I ask your prayers for my young friend, Tanner, that he may continue to grow in the Lord, and perhaps, be Catholic. Pray that he is able to stand strong against his previous addictions. During our hour together, we praised Him, shared His word, were humbled before Him, and shared love for Him.

As Catholics are not known for evangelizing, or knowing the Bible scriptures, the Lord provided me with the information ahead of time, and I was able to quote a few other places as well. I have never asked someone to pray with me in public before, and I’m thankful to live in a country where I can do that. I have a bad habit of sometimes interrupting people as they talk (I am trying to learn not to do that), but not once did I interrupt. As we spoke, I could still feel the Body of Christ in my throat the whole time. The words I spoke were His. Thank you Lord for the blessing of Tanner today, and for Your Guidance and Love. Part of me is left wondering…perhaps he was an angel sent for me, whether in flesh of a real man, or appearing to me. What a great gift, and I hope that everyone can experience this, daily!
Thanks for reading!

What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing. I’m always amazed how God uses us to reach other people.

Praying for Tanner 🙂
Prayers for you and for Tanner.

1 Corinthians 12

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
Spiritual Gifts

12 Now concerning spiritual gifts,[a] brothers and sisters,** I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were pagans, you were enticed and led astray to idols that could not speak. 3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says “Let Jesus be cursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit.

4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.

As you noticed from your experience, and the same can occur in spiritual communion, some of the gifts overlap. Open your spirit to the gift.**
What a joy filled story! I’m so happy you posted it.
Prayers for Tanner and his journey.
This story is awesome. And once again timing is… well… wow. I went on a retreat several years ago and met a family who had recently lost their oldest son to a drug overdose. They were so broken and were trying so hard to make sense of it all. I’ve prayed for them over the years, but as one tends to do… I let them slip my mind. Just this week they popped back in to my consciousness, and I specifically wondered how the surviving younger son is doing. Yet, for no amount of trying I couldn’t remember his name. It’s Tanner 😃
Superb story. God was definitely steering the both of you that day!

God bless you
This story is awesome. And once again timing is… well… wow. I went on a retreat several years ago and met a family who had recently lost their oldest son to a drug overdose. They were so broken and were trying so hard to make sense of it all. I’ve prayed for them over the years, but as one tends to do… I let them slip my mind. Just this week they popped back in to my consciousness, and I specifically wondered how the surviving younger son is doing. Yet, for no amount of trying I couldn’t remember his name. It’s Tanner 😃
Double wow! Thank you Holy Spirit!

I enjoyed reading about your book store experience. Thank you for sharing this.
What a blessing for you both…lovely story, thank you for sharing!
Christina, thank you for sharing this remarkable story. When we are open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, He does amazing things thru us. And isn’t that always the way…when we are not looking to evangelize, the opportunity (I mean Holy Spirit) comes to the occasion! God Bless and for you and Tanner,

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.
Amen! It was so exciting, and continues to fill me with JOY (Jesus/Others/Yourself!). I can’t hardly stop speaking about it to my husband and sons (who are 20/22 and seemingly not interested in Church; please keep M and C in your prayers if you please).

I think I forgot to mention that since I had been to Mass and Confession just moments before, for some reason, I could still ‘feel’ Communion, the Body of Jesus Christ our Savior, in my throat. That has never happened to me before, but this was also the first time I didn’t ‘chew’ after receiving Communion.

I read the posts from overnight early this morning, which included Jenny’s; that blew me away. Wow.

I then remembered that my husband and I did the Novena to the Holy Spirit the 9 days before Pentecost. Wow.

As you can see by my sig line, I’m recently returned to the Church (although I never quit believing…just didn’t go to Mass or practice my Faith the way I should have). My first ‘real’ experience with the Holy Spirit was in 1999, which was amazing as well.

Thank you God! Praise God! Praise Jesus Christ! Praise Holy Spirit! Thank you Mother Mary, St. Dymphna, and the saints that have joined me in prayer over the last few months. This morning, I didn’t even have words that could express how I felt. Thankfully, He knew my feelings. I could never be worthy of any gift He has given, let alone the ones I’ve received.

This gift of hunger for the Lord, His Word, His Love is very new to me as well. Although I have in the past been driven to live and learn the Faith, I’ve never felt this hunger and desire like this for Him.

God bless each of you, and thank you for your comments.
Beautiful! Thank you for giving us a glimpse of the workings of the Holy Spirit. :extrahappy:
I attended the noon Mass at a nearby parish (different diocese; our priests are mostly on retreat and Mass schedule is cut down).
(TL:DR: God is so good! Praise the Holy Spirit!)

I took a different route home, and drove by a (locally) renowned used bookstore. At the last second, I decided to stop in and look around (thanks God for the nearby parking spot in the rain). As I browsed, I found the Religious section, and the only other customer in the store was standing there as well: a young man in his mid-20s. I joked that it was funny that we were the only two in the store, and we both wanted the same section of books.  He laughed and smiled. He then mentioned that he had just read a good book about Martin Luther. I smiled and remarked that he was a very historical figure. I then told him, “I’m Catholic, so Martin Luther isn’t someone we really admire, although I’m sure he did have some very good contributions.” He laughed as well, and we started talking from there. I remarked that I had just left Mass, and he shared with me he had just had a meeting with his sponsor from AA, who is Catholic. He told me he attends a non-denominational, somewhat Baptist church nearby.

We talked, and soon I was sharing with him my story about the Holy Spirit from a few years back. He listened intently and was amazed at the story, but of course knew I was telling the truth. He then showed me the book in his hand; it was about the Holy Spirit. We continued to have a very long conversation, and he spoke of the Holy Spirit quite extensively. He also asked if I had been to an area Catholic retreat; he had attended with his sponsor, and met many wonderful people. He quoted Bible verses to me, and they were either some I had just read this week, or from a book I had started reading. We talked about the great Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I talk a lot, but I was able to listen. More than once, he commented on how frustrating it was that people would go to church or Mass, but then walk out and not live the faith, and continue sinning. I think that was the message the Lord was giving me from this young man: live your Faith. I try to do that, but could always improve. We had a great conversation, and I told him he should think about, pray about, becoming Catholic. We shared many stories, thoughts. I remarked how we might never know the impact of us both being there and sharing with each other, but that it was where the Holy Spirit wanted us (his was a last second decision to come in as well); later, the store clerk who checked me out was wearing a shirt that said “Darwin” on the front.  Perhaps our words reached him or someone else who came in after us to consider Catholicism, or drawing closer to Jesus Christ.

After over an hour of sharing, and numerous signs from the Holy Spirit that showed both of us that we were where we were supposed to be, I departed. Before I left, I gave him a laminated card of the Mysteries of the Rosary; he had remarked how much he loved all our prayers. I didn’t even know the card was in my purse! Thank you, Jesus! I then asked him if I could say a prayer with him. We held hands and bowed our heads. I had no idea what prayer was coming, but the Hail Mary poured out of me. I gave him a hug, and told him that I looked forward to seeing him again someday. I told him if I made any sense, or touched him in any way, all Glory is to God, and if I didn’t make sense, that was all me. I ask your prayers for my young friend, Tanner, that he may continue to grow in the Lord, and perhaps, be Catholic. Pray that he is able to stand strong against his previous addictions. During our hour together, we praised Him, shared His word, were humbled before Him, and shared love for Him.

As Catholics are not known for evangelizing, or knowing the Bible scriptures, the Lord provided me with the information ahead of time, and I was able to quote a few other places as well. I have never asked someone to pray with me in public before, and I’m thankful to live in a country where I can do that. I have a bad habit of sometimes interrupting people as they talk (I am trying to learn not to do that), but not once did I interrupt. As we spoke, I could still feel the Body of Christ in my throat the whole time. The words I spoke were His. Thank you Lord for the blessing of Tanner today, and for Your Guidance and Love. Part of me is left wondering…perhaps he was an angel sent for me, whether in flesh of a real man, or appearing to me. What a great gift, and I hope that everyone can experience this, daily!
Thanks for reading!

Stories such as yours Christina always fill me so much joy and hope.

God bless you for sharing this.

=ccmcmg;10835727]I attended the noon Mass at a nearby parish (different diocese; our priests are mostly on retreat and Mass schedule is cut down).
(TL:DR: God is so good! Praise the Holy Spirit!)
I took a different route home, and drove by a (locally) renowned used bookstore. At the last second, I decided to stop in and look around (thanks God for the nearby parking spot in the rain). As I browsed, I found the Religious section, and the only other customer in the store was standing there as well: a young man in his mid-20s. I joked that it was funny that we were the only two in the store, and we both wanted the same section of books.  He laughed and smiled. He then mentioned that he had just read a good book about Martin Luther. I smiled and remarked that he was a very historical figure. I then told him, “I’m Catholic, so Martin Luther isn’t someone we really admire, although I’m sure he did have some very good contributions.” He laughed as well, and we started talking from there. I remarked that I had just left Mass, and he shared with me he had just had a meeting with his sponsor from AA, who is Catholic. He told me he attends a non-denominational, somewhat Baptist church nearby.
We talked, and soon I was sharing with him my story about the Holy Spirit from a few years back. He listened intently and was amazed at the story, but of course knew I was telling the truth. He then showed me the book in his hand; it was about the Holy Spirit. We continued to have a very long conversation, and he spoke of the Holy Spirit quite extensively. He also asked if I had been to an area Catholic retreat; he had attended with his sponsor, and met many wonderful people. He quoted Bible verses to me, and they were either some I had just read this week, or from a book I had started reading. We talked about the great Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I talk a lot, but I was able to listen. More than once, he commented on how frustrating it was that people would go to church or Mass, but then walk out and not live the faith, and continue sinning. I think that was the message the Lord was giving me from this young man: live your Faith. I try to do that, but could always improve. We had a great conversation, and I told him he should think about, pray about, becoming Catholic. We shared many stories, thoughts. I remarked how we might never know the impact of us both being there and sharing with each other, but that it was where the Holy Spirit wanted us (his was a last second decision to come in as well); later, the store clerk who checked me out was wearing a shirt that said “Darwin” on the front.  Perhaps our words reached him or someone else who came in after us to consider Catholicism, or drawing closer to Jesus Christ.
After over an hour of sharing, and numerous signs from the Holy Spirit that showed both of us that we were where we were supposed to be, I departed. Before I left, I gave him a laminated card of the Mysteries of the Rosary; he had remarked how much he loved all our prayers. I didn’t even know the card was in my purse! Thank you, Jesus! I then asked him if I could say a prayer with him. We held hands and bowed our heads. I had no idea what prayer was coming, but the Hail Mary poured out of me. I gave him a hug, and told him that I looked forward to seeing him again someday. I told him if I made any sense, or touched him in any way, all Glory is to God, and if I didn’t make sense, that was all me. I ask your prayers for my young friend, Tanner, that he may continue to grow in the Lord, and perhaps, be Catholic. Pray that he is able to stand strong against his previous addictions. During our hour together, we praised Him, shared His word, were humbled before Him, and shared love for Him.
As Catholics are not known for evangelizing, or knowing the Bible scriptures, the Lord provided me with the information ahead of time, and I was able to quote a few other places as well. I have never asked someone to pray with me in public before, and I’m thankful to live in a country where I can do that. I have a bad habit of sometimes interrupting people as they talk (I am trying to learn not to do that), but not once did I interrupt. As we spoke, I could still feel the Body of Christ in my throat the whole time. The words I spoke were His. Thank you Lord for the blessing of Tanner today, and for Your Guidance and Love. Part of me is left wondering…perhaps he was an angel sent for me, whether in flesh of a real man, or appearing to me. What a great gift, and I hope that everyone can experience this, daily!
Thanks for reading!

Well done my FRIEND:thumbsup:

Without knowing it you followed “Patricks first rule for Catholic Evangualazation”

RULE #! " Allow God to grant you the opportunity"

RULE #2 Then do so with clarity [fatcs] and always charity:)

One can see the HS working in and through you.

Continue to Pray much!

God Bless you,
Patrick [PJM]
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