Ancient Hebrew WWW's were used by John to mark the Beast and can be 666 or 616

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Sir Knight’s Book shows why 616 and 666 were both “Marks of the Beast.” Multiple W’s in Ancient Hebrew could represent both numbers.

The date June 6th, 2006 can be written 6/6/6, I guess, but is a simple example of the passion and desire people have for the “truth” about the mark and it’s Beast. Numbers repeat everywhere. That simple “truth” of the mark can be found in any Hebrew/Aramaic Concordance. Go to page forty in my book, Revelation, WWW. Is 666 (616), or pick up a NEW AMERICAN EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE HEBREW/ARAMAIC AND GREEK DICTIONARIES by Holman of Nashville Tennessee, 1981. Flip to page 1612, look in the top right corner, 8337A - multiple W’s are pronounced shesh, shishshah, with definitions including six, sixth, sixteen, sixty-six, and 666.

Remember, the original parchment of the Book of Revelation by Saint John has never been found. However, subsequent inspired transcribing efforts do exist. These showed very little conflict or controversy. Now that 666 and 616 have been explained, they show even less. To reaffirm this, look at it from the other direction of back translation. WWW. Was the only answer possible that would allow 616 and 666 to have been translated correctly from any common source, ie. the original missing parchment.

Worried because that is Hebrew? Don’t be! All of The Book of Revelation except three words were in Semitic Koin¢ e Greek. Saint John demonstrated his scholarly knowledge of Ancient Hebrew, also called the language of God, because it was used to write the Ten Commandments and most of the Old Testament, which he studied fervently. John specifically wrote, “and in Hebrew, that’s Abod¢ don…” also, “and in Hebrew a place called Armaged¢ don.” Do you think John would “mark” the Beast in a language of man?

Two simple Hebrew words in the Scripture of God’s Word that “unlock” the wisdom and “key” to the third………WWW………. the Mark of the Beast. Royalties donated.
That is interesting if it is correct. Given that it were correct, what could be taken from this information?
To be honest, I’m not understanding how WWW can mean 616. You’ve demonstrated how it could be 666 (or six, sixth, sixteen, sixty-six), but not 616.

A much more likely and commonly held opinion for 616 is the Emperor Nero. The Greek form of his name in Hebrew letters equals 666 while the Latin form of his name equals 616.
A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament,by Metzger, Bruce on p. 749,
Irenaeus “says that 666 ‘is found in all good and ancient copies,’ and is ‘attested by those who had themselves seen John face to face.’”
Aaron I.:
A much more likely and commonly held opinion for 616 is the Emperor Nero. The Greek form of his name in Hebrew letters equals 666 while the Latin form of his name equals 616.
That is my understanding as well.
Permit me to digress:

"In St. John’s letters (1 John 4, 2 John 1), he tells us that the spirit of the Antichrist denies the Incarnation (the Son of God becoming man) and thereby also the Trinity (the Father and the Spirit, too).

THIS IS THE SPIRIT OF ANTI-CHRIST. There is not a single text in 2000 years, including the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, where the Catholic Church, her popes, her bishops, her official teachings, her saints, or her acknowledged ecclesiastical authors, deny the Word-made-flesh or the Blessed Trinity. Instead, all of Christianity owes the preservation of these Truths to the Catholic Church, whose great Councils formulated them and whose saints and popes have defended them to this day, often at the cost of martyrdom."

And what of those who deny the Incarnation principle? It would be fanantical to accuse all who deny the Real Presence of Jesus in ithe Eucharist as ‘anti-Christ’, but when I look around at the fruits of some faith communities, I see an inclination towards the becoming of dead branches. They claim all they need is faith without the need for love. And it shows.( see The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 6:6,8)

The Christian Taliban and Judaizers (Bible thumpers, fundamentalists, anti-Catholics) are spiritually malnourished, and are taught to attack Catholicism as a remedy.

It’s not just the Incarnation principle of the Eucharist that is denied, it’s the Incarnation principle in general that is denied. We Catholics need to recognize the extension of the Incarnation in all who we encounter, in our marriages, our faith communities, our priests, and bishops, united in the Breaking of the Bread. We need to be open to be evangelized in order to be equipped to build just societies.

There comes a time to let our enemies walk away, (John 6:66) and pray for them.

Peter Clemens

(Rev. 13:18 This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number…)
Aaron I.:
A much more likely and commonly held opinion for 616 is the Emperor Nero. The Greek form of his name in Hebrew letters equals 666 while the Latin form of his name equals 616.
I have noticed with the Book of Revelation how, although it obviously applied to events happening at the time of John and the early Christian community, it can also be applied to events happening in other times, such as the present day.
On another post the fact was mentioned that old testament prophecies oftn have both perfect and imperfect fulfillments.

Personally, I believe this applies to the new testament also; that statements applicable in the time of the writer also apply in our day and could very well come to perfect fulfillment in Christ at some other time. When I look at passages like Psalm 22 and see how minutely the coming of the messiah was perdicted I think that nothing would surprise me less than a direct and perfect fulfillment of other prophecises. (Although I realize a literal fulfillment is not necessary for the truth in some of these passages.)

I find this depth one of the most beautiful things about sacred scripture!
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