Sir Knight’s Book shows why 616 and 666 were both “Marks of the Beast.” Multiple W’s in Ancient Hebrew could represent both numbers.
The date June 6th, 2006 can be written 6/6/6, I guess, but is a simple example of the passion and desire people have for the “truth” about the mark and it’s Beast. Numbers repeat everywhere. That simple “truth” of the mark can be found in any Hebrew/Aramaic Concordance. Go to page forty in my book, Revelation, WWW. Is 666 (616), or pick up a NEW AMERICAN EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE HEBREW/ARAMAIC AND GREEK DICTIONARIES by Holman of Nashville Tennessee, 1981. Flip to page 1612, look in the top right corner, 8337A - multiple W’s are pronounced shesh, shishshah, with definitions including six, sixth, sixteen, sixty-six, and 666.
Remember, the original parchment of the Book of Revelation by Saint John has never been found. However, subsequent inspired transcribing efforts do exist. These showed very little conflict or controversy. Now that 666 and 616 have been explained, they show even less. To reaffirm this, look at it from the other direction of back translation. WWW. Was the only answer possible that would allow 616 and 666 to have been translated correctly from any common source, ie. the original missing parchment.
Worried because that is Hebrew? Don’t be! All of The Book of Revelation except three words were in Semitic Koin¢ e Greek. Saint John demonstrated his scholarly knowledge of Ancient Hebrew, also called the language of God, because it was used to write the Ten Commandments and most of the Old Testament, which he studied fervently. John specifically wrote, “and in Hebrew, that’s Abod¢ don…” also, “and in Hebrew a place called Armaged¢ don.” Do you think John would “mark” the Beast in a language of man?
Two simple Hebrew words in the Scripture of God’s Word that “unlock” the wisdom and “key” to the third………WWW………. the Mark of the Beast. Royalties donated.
The date June 6th, 2006 can be written 6/6/6, I guess, but is a simple example of the passion and desire people have for the “truth” about the mark and it’s Beast. Numbers repeat everywhere. That simple “truth” of the mark can be found in any Hebrew/Aramaic Concordance. Go to page forty in my book, Revelation, WWW. Is 666 (616), or pick up a NEW AMERICAN EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE HEBREW/ARAMAIC AND GREEK DICTIONARIES by Holman of Nashville Tennessee, 1981. Flip to page 1612, look in the top right corner, 8337A - multiple W’s are pronounced shesh, shishshah, with definitions including six, sixth, sixteen, sixty-six, and 666.
Remember, the original parchment of the Book of Revelation by Saint John has never been found. However, subsequent inspired transcribing efforts do exist. These showed very little conflict or controversy. Now that 666 and 616 have been explained, they show even less. To reaffirm this, look at it from the other direction of back translation. WWW. Was the only answer possible that would allow 616 and 666 to have been translated correctly from any common source, ie. the original missing parchment.
Worried because that is Hebrew? Don’t be! All of The Book of Revelation except three words were in Semitic Koin¢ e Greek. Saint John demonstrated his scholarly knowledge of Ancient Hebrew, also called the language of God, because it was used to write the Ten Commandments and most of the Old Testament, which he studied fervently. John specifically wrote, “and in Hebrew, that’s Abod¢ don…” also, “and in Hebrew a place called Armaged¢ don.” Do you think John would “mark” the Beast in a language of man?
Two simple Hebrew words in the Scripture of God’s Word that “unlock” the wisdom and “key” to the third………WWW………. the Mark of the Beast. Royalties donated.