Thanks everyone for the replies. It’s good to see that there are people interested in this. I’ll have to look up some of the authors and works suggested. I’ve gone down the ID route and that was sufficient enough for me because I’d already had a background in biology/sociobiology to understand the arguments for macro-micro evolution and the real difficulties in climbing mount improbable. Which to me was never accomplished by Dawkins, but rather was more like a lot of inky words which he used to try to distract the reader from realizing he’d never accomplished what he set out to accomplish. What’s difficult for me is placing all the artifacts uncovered like Golbekli Tepe and the Neanderthals/Denisovans and as it seems even another human species in the context of the Bible accounts. It seems like a seriously truncated account. No to mention also the rationale for the period of time from the beginning to the final judgement. I feel like I’m trying to force-fit human history into the Bible like a shoe salesman trying to force a size 6 shoe on a size 11 person. It doesn’t feel like it fits. Yes, I believe in God, but simple theism isn’t enough for me. I’m working my way for the umpteenth time through the Bible trying to extract behavioral principles for me to follow so I can at least find some peace of mind, but as I do so on my mental knees as it were, I find myself pausing and wondering “What is THIS all for?”