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I remember growing up I would always see angels (well they actually appeared to be more vaguely humanoid glowing forms) hovering on either side of the blessed sacrament, whether in the tabernacle or above the altar during the concecration. This confirmed for me the real presence.

Has anyone else ever experienced this
What a wonderful gift you were blessed with! Thank you for sharing your experience. I’ve never seen anything like that, but very much believe that God reveals what needs to be to His people. I think having that happen is not only a blessing to you, but now in sharing with us, is a benefit to everyone who reads it as I’m sure it may strengthen others faith as well.

As far as expiencing things in life to confirm the real presence of the eucharist, I did have something of a lesser nature happen when I was younger…

It was after the birth of my first child. He was a preemie, and after being born, needed to be helicoptered to a different hospital. The doctors were worried because he could not breath on his own. They let me hold him for just a minute. I was the only one allowed. This scared me even more. It made me think they didn’t think he would make it. I couldn’t travel to be with him till I was healed more from my c-section, and that tore me up inside. It was the longest day and a half of my life. As I was resting the afternoon after his birth, and sleeping soundly- I was awakened rather oddly. While I was asleep, I saw a bright flash of light on my right side, and physically felt someone grab my right arm. I woke up looking to my arm, and no one was there, but then as I looked toward the doorway, I saw a priest standing there. He had come to give me Holy Communion.

I now believe, after having had two more c-sections that it was the Holy Communion that helped to heal me so quickly. The doctors were amazed at my recovery. I didn’t have anything to compare it to, so I assumed that I just had a really good doctor,and a high tolerance to pain- but now I realize after these last two babies that what I experienced was really extraordinary. My baby was born at 8a.m., I was released from the hospital at noon the following day. Drove an hour and a half to see him, with no pain, discomfort or tiredness. Spent all of my time by his side without resting, and felt completely normal, besides a slight pain where my incesion was. The nurses at the childrens hospital kept telling me to get some rest, and I just felt they were crazy for thinking I’d rather be sleeping than be by my child’s side. After having these last two,I now see why they were urging me to rest though.

Although I didn’t fully realize what had taken place at the time, I think that I now understand what happened that afternoon at the hospital. Recieving Jesus through Communion that day very much aided in my healing process so that I could be with my son, and my son who very much needed me- could also be with me.
“But for Grace” and “for eternity”, thank you for your angel stories.
Those special blessings given by the Lord are so comforting!

It reminded me of an angel story I have to tell. When my husband was dying from cancer at home and we knew the end was coming soon, besides all my regular prayers I prayed daily to St. Raphael. This went on for about a week. We have eight children, all over the U. S. and they were all able to make it to Florida while he was still alive. When the last child arrived, late on a Friday night, we all gathered around him and had a prayer meeting. I read a Scripture, and then the children (all grown ups) shared a favorite memory of their Dad. Then we played “On Eagles Wings”, a song he requested to be played at his funeral, and we told him we loved him.

It was the most memorable thing we did together as a family. We all felt so bonded to each other and blessed by this. It was a special blessing that with about five days notice of their Dad’s decline they all made it to be at his bedside.

The funeral arrangements went smoothly, and when everything was all over we were sitting around the dining room table feeling such peace and joy in one another’s company. While we sat there I was looking out the window towards the forest in our backyard, and a bright flash of light went on and then off, and right after seeing that light a deep peaceful feeling flooded my whole being. In my heart the name Raphael came to me. That flash of light didn’t startle me or make me jump in my chair or anything. In fact I didn’t mention anything at the time, but after everyone went home I sent them each a letter, and in it I mentioned the incident, and included a small booklet about St. Raphael containing prayers and a litany.

And, the greatest grace of all was that my husband had been away from the Sacraments for 40 years, and just four months before his death he took himself to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and was so joyous about it! During the last few days of his life, before all our children came, our priest came to the house with the Blessed Sacrament and for the Anointing of the Sick. Our Lord in the host was the very last time he was able to take solid food.

Praise God in his angels and in his saints!

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