Anger at God-what to pray?

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How does a good Catholic deal with feelings of anger and frustration with God?
I have a lot of problems trusting in HIm. I know that I must of course. I can’t reconcile my thoughts with my feelings! I have a good friend , very devout , suffering from terminal cancer.
If there is no miracle, I will have a tough time!
Does anyone else have this problem? What do you pray ?
You cant let the feelings you have with God get the best of you. Talk to God and express those feeling with him. This might be his will for your friend to pass, how you deal with the loss is what will matter. Maybe this is to teach you how to deal with this now so you dont loose your screws later but if you loose your screws now what happens later when somebody else close to you passes. How will you handle that if the pressure is too great now? Also if your friend is devout What if your friend did the work that God wanted done?
Let Him have it. Don’t worry. He’s God and He can take it. Read some of the Old Testament prophets and you’ll see they did not hold back their anger. Rather, they had an honest human relationship with Him. Indeed, God seems to have respected their zeal.

Bottling up your anger is bad for you and does nothing for your spiritual life. Who knows? Maybe God will respond to your most honest angry prayers with wisdom and kindness you never expected. That’s been my experience.
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How does a good Catholic deal with feelings of anger and frustration with God?
Tell him how you feel. He knows, of course, but you need to get it out.

Read some of the Psalms where the writer is angry or frustrated with God.

Read the book of Job.
I have a lot of problems trusting in HIm.
You have to forgive Him for whatever He did. Or didn’t do.
I know that I must of course.
Trust is a decision, not an emotion. You need to verbalize (aloud) that you will trust. Find some of these statements in the Psalms and say them aloud.
I can’t reconcile my thoughts with my feelings!
This is certainly a normal human condition! It helps to reinforce your thoughts with Scripture and writings of the Saints. The will is like the main engine of the train. The thoughts are the passenger cars, and feelings are the caboose. If you can get your will and thoughts turned and moving in the right direction the feelings will have no choice but to be pulled along.
I have a good friend , very devout , suffering from terminal cancer.

If there is no miracle, I will have a tough time!

Does anyone else have this problem? What do you pray ?
As a matter of fact, I have the exact same problem!! The friend has stage 4 very aggressive and lethal form of cancer. A new tumor has just been found, and I am having a very hard time, as there was a remission for over a year.

I pray the same prayer Jesus prayed in the Garden "if it is possible, let this cup pass (from both of us) nevertheless,they will not mine be done. " Jesus tells us to pick up our cross and carry it. Once a person was sentenced to crucifixion, there was nothing left to look forward to. All hopes, dreams, expectations, and plans died. All of life as we knew it, of how we thought it ought to be, dies in the cross.

We don’t know why these things happen, but we know that He allowed His Only Son to be nailed to the wood. This was because of the good that was beyond the cross, and that is where we need to focus.

Hebrews 12:2
2 looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Sometimes this is a good time to just sit in silence. Let God talk to you, instead of always unloading on God. There are times we can’t hear God speak to us because we’re too busy talking ourselves.
Tell Him what you told us.
Our relationship with God is just that–a relationship.
He speaks to us through the scriptures.
Pray and read the Bible and don’t worry about feeling a certain way…
We do go through seasons of pain in this fallen world.

Will :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: For you and your dear friend.
Be humble in your prayer. Say ‘if it is your will Lord’. We don’t know God’s plan for each person and have to humbly accept his will.
And think too maybe, that the person you are mad out-this time God- is the only person who can help you out. Pray to Him for you to trust Him
God will not help them out. They will either have to change their diet or die-t (-_•). No amount of prayers or hope can merit anything from God. Jesus Christ is a king, and He does as He pleases. If you want something from Him, you’re going to need more than just your hopes and tears to make things happen. Jesus Christ honestly has better things to concern himself with than one person in a hospital. There are billions of people on the Earth. Innumerable stars to tend to, multiple galaxies, and Angels to keep in line, so you’ll need more than a “yes we can” to get things done.

Just do the alkaline and hope things happen. God will not be helping you anytime soon, because your friend will be “going to [Heaven] anyway”.
This post was obnoxious and unnecessary.
If you’re going through your own stuff I’m sorry for you, truly.
Start your own thread if you are questioning. The people here are willing to talk to you. Life is difficult and painful at times.
But do not spread negativity to a fellow human being who is hurting.
The prayer is - " Thy will be done "
( God’s will, NOT yours )
repeat this line all day - all night - in all circumstances -
that’s it - the more you believe that easy 4 word sentence -
the more you will, gladly, flow with God’s will -
if you don’t - expect more anger and more frustration.
Tragedy, death, sicknesses and failure do happen in our lives. We cannot escape from them sometimes. We can only come to God to ask for strength and acceptance, remembering that God has even better things in store for us, which we can’t imagine and do not know.

It is not so much as to understand but rather to surrender to God, putting our faith on the line and God’s grace to give us peace.

God bless.
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