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Simple question hopefully…

I have taken a new stance over the past year to become mroe and more a true follower of christ. I have noticed though that my biggest stumbling block is my nature to become angry very quickly. I never take it out on anyone, but it makes it so i am about as far from the proper frame of mind that I need to be in to do what i can to become more for lack of a better word, more saintly. What are somethings you guys do to help with a short temper…

Thanks Guys
What I try to do when I find myself getting angry (no matter what the situation is) I try to take a step back and look at the ordeal objectively. Is it worth me getting angry over? I mean after all, getting angry takes a lot of energy - energy that can be used in a positive way rather then negatively. I’m sure someone will come along and have a much better answer for you, this is just what I try to do though. Also continue to ask God to help you with this. I truly believe He leaves no prayer unanswered.
Anger is not the problem. God gave us this emotion for a reason. When it is expressed constructively (e.g., helping un-wed mothers out of anger at the injustice of abortion), it’s good. Flying into a rage at a family member because her dirty socks are on your side of the room is destructive, especially if it happens alot and over a long period of time. When the rage starts welling up, and this is difficult, it’s time to go for a walk, cool down. This thought comes to me when I’m about to lose it (or after I did)…“like a lamb led to the slaughter, he opened not his mouth.” Good luck. It’s not easy.

Anger - one of seven capital sins

As a mother, the nurturing advice I gave my 8 year old years ago is good for anyone at any age.
I said “You recognize this temptation to blow anger. Frequently pray to God and ask for help to rid yourself of anger. He will help you. I will be praying for you too 😉 .”
I would humbly suggest one technique that has helped me with habitual emotions that can be destructive - we all know they pop up quickly, and it’s easy to get out of control with them before we know it.

When you feel the anger coming on - don’t continue to think about the thing making you angry… instead, immediately start reciting to yourself your favorite prayer. Even if it’s Hail Mary’s or Our Father’s, Chaplet of Mercy, say it and repeat it and concentrate on it so hard you can’t think of anything else.

You’ll find at some point you are cooled off - problem averted!

This works for me!!! Good luck and God Bless…
Anger - one of seven capital sins
To be clear, wrath is one of the 7 deadlies. Wrath is the destructive expression of anger.
Anger is a capital sin, it is also known as repressed spirit. The remedy for this root vice is, keep christ always on your mind, live in god’s presence keep quiet when annoyed. Ask our lord to deliver you from the spirit of anger and instead give you a spirit of gentleness.

be blessed
Another approach is to simply look at this logically to see if your anger is warranted and what the consequences of your anger are going to be. One of the most profound things I have ever heard on this topic goes something like this: “Anger and harboring ill will toward someone is similar to a person swallowing poison while hoping that someone else will get sick or die.” Think about this, and it will help you see the futility of being angry. Take the practical advice of those that have already posted, and pray frequently.

Frequent prayer throughout the day is helpful in pushing sin out of our lives. Use every spare moment and time of transition during your day to say a short prayer of thanksgiving and for guidance in overcoming your personal difficulties. The Lord will help you eliminate anger from your quiver of good and bad habits.
“I can do all things through Him who give me strength.” I use this verse from Phillipians for many many things, and, believe me, it works.
I have the same problem as you with anger. Today my rush to rage and anger is very less due to my habit of weekly confession and daily prayer of the rosary.

When I do succumb to anger I offer it up right then and pray to God that I’m sorry for that sin of anger and that I will go to confession the first chance I can to confess to my Priest. I than pray 3 Hail Mary’s and 3 Our Father’s 1 Glory to God anf then the Fatima Prayer.

I also make it a point to avoid whatever it was that made me angry.

This works for me.

God Bless You.
If I may disagree with some other posters here. As a therapist, I frequently deal with clients who have issues with anger. I try to help them understand that anger is a legitimate feeling. We are entitled to feel angry. It’s how we express the anger that can be a problem. As someone said, anger is energy. It can be a great motivator for good. The woman who started MADD was angry that her child had been killed by a drunk driver. When we scream and yell, or otherwise become aggressive, that is an inappropriate display. Anger needs to be expressed assertively, in a way that is not harmful to you or anyone else. I teach my clients to use “I” statements to express anger. “When _______ happens, I feel _____. I would like you/other to _______.” I am responsible for my own feelings and actions. Others are responsible for theirs. I have no power to change another. Once I express my anger, the responsibility is on the other to handle it as s/he will. I have no control there. I also have no responsibility for another’s actions/reactions. I hope that you understand what I am saying. It’s OK to feel anger so long as it is expressed in a way that is healthy for you and others.

Recently at Mass. the priest gave a homily on forgiveness. He related a story about Dutch Holocaust survivor Cory Ten Boom. She alone, out of her whole family, survived the camps. After the war ended, she was giving a talk at a church, and among the listeners was a former guard from the camp she was in. The man had become a Christian, and wanted to ask her forgiveness. She said that she was so angry at the man for what he had done to her that she could not find it in herself to forgive him. He stood in front of her, with his hand out, and she could not take his hand. She prayed to God, “Lord, I cannot find it in myself to forgive him, so, if you would, please send some of your forgiveness through me”, and with the help of Jesus’ forgiveness, was able to forgive the man and shook his hand.

Ever since I heard that story, I have tried to keep in mind to ask Jesus to extend His peace and forgiveness through me whenever I find myself becoming angry about things over which I have no control.
Simple question hopefully…

I have taken a new stance over the past year to become mroe and more a true follower of christ. I have noticed though that my biggest stumbling block is my nature to become angry very quickly. I never take it out on anyone, but it makes it so i am about as far from the proper frame of mind that I need to be in to do what i can to become more for lack of a better word, more saintly. What are somethings you guys do to help with a short temper…
Thanks Guys
I have a very difficult time controlling own feelings of anger, resentment, etc. while I’m at work BUT when I make myself aware that Jesus lives in me and HE can show me how, it’s much easier. All we have to do is become acutely aware of HIS presence in and around us.

I* am the True Vine and you are the branches. Without me, you can do nothing.*
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