Once again I have to burst some bubbles on this discussion on Anglicanism. I AM an Anglican, I belong to the Reformed Episcopal Church which holds to the “old paths” of historical Anglicanism. GKC keeps insisting that “true Anglicanism” is essentially “Catholicism without the Pope”. The type of Anglicanism GKC espouses IS NOT Anglicanism, I am sorry to say this but anyone who claims to BE Anglican and believes what GKC says is, sad to say, not Anglican. I don’t mean to insult anyone. An Anglican, in the real meaning of what that is holds unflinchingly to the 39 Articles of Religion of the Anglican Church. Anglo-Catholicism which GKC advocates is not Anglicanism in any way, it is an aberration and rejection of Anglicanism. Anglicanism rejects both Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation. The historic and classical Anglican view on the “Real Presence” is closer to the Reformed/Calvinist view. It is a Spiritual or “virtual” Presence. As Hooker, the best systemiser of Anglican thought said “the Real Presence of Christ is to be found in the one receiving and not the elements”. IE if one receives the Eucharist with trusting Faith then one receives Christ in the Eucharist, if someone receives who has no faith or trust in Christ then all they receive is bread and wine, nothing more, but in so doing they insult Christ by receiving without faith. Anglicans also reject “romish doctrines” like praying to Saints, Purgatory, Masses for the dead, relics, rosaries, the doctrine of “merit” and other such teachings. The reason the Reformed Episcopal Church separated from the Episcopal Church in the 1870’s was because they saw the Anglo-Catholics gaining control in the ECUSA and that the ECUSA was moving away from the “old paths” of historical and authentic Anglicanism. Personally as I read and study more I am coming to the point where I see the Catholic Church as being the authentic and real Church that Christ established and I can no longer be an Anglican of any type. In Christ, jurist12