Animals in Heaven?

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Since some of threads seem to be getting a bit on the nasty side, I thought it was time to explore something a little less controversial (I hope). I believe that some animals will be in heaven, but I have a hard time explaining why I feel this way.

I don’t know of any official church statement reference this issue, but I do recall a Christian writer who suggested that perhaps animals can be “saved” through their believing owners. While this is an interesting idea, it doesn’t address animals outside relationships with man–and some of them, whales for example, may be very intelligent. I believe there are bibilical references to animals in heaven, but they may only be the horses mentioned in Revelation. The Bible reminds us in several passages to be kind to animals, so I think it makes sense to believe that some may follow us.

So, what do you think? Does the spirit of the good family pet simply cease to be after it dies? If you do accept that some animals are welcomed, where do you draw the line? My daughter, for example, was very attached to her dwarf hamster. If she doesn’t find Fred in heaven, there is likely going to be trouble! I am not so sure, however, that it makes sense that every animal we call our own will be welcomed through the gates of heaven. Any thoughts?
Well… there are two ways to look at this.
  1. Salvation is only for those beings with souls:People and for those beings “born” in Heaven: Angels.
  2. God made animals and if he wants them in heaven, there they will be.
I lean towards number 1 personally. I don’t think that in heaven we will be sitting around missing Fluffy as much as we would be praising the Lord, etc…
The human soul differs from the animal soul in that it has immortaility. Are there mortal souls in heaven? :hmmm:
Well… there are two ways to look at this.
  1. Salvation is only for those beings with souls:People and for those beings “born” in Heaven: Angels.
Actually, the Church teaches that other animals do have souls, but human beings have immortal souls.
Wow. I never thought of animals as having souls. I guess they didn’t teach me that. I bet my mom doesn’t know that either!
Oh my…I certainly hope not. I don’t want to run into all those cats we had. :whistle:
~ Kathy ~
The simple answer is that we just don’t know.

I guess there is only one way to find out, but I am happy to wait a long time to find out.

God is so awesome. I have been having a hard time w/my 9yo dd on this issue. We homeschool and use Faith and Life as our “religion” book. In the last couple of days this issue has been discussed. When she realized that what sets us apart from animals, is that we have a soul and souls never die she was visibly upset. She said, “Animals have souls.” I said I didn’t think so. I hate to try and convince her otherwise, because she has gotten through the loss of pets by believing they are in Heaven. She has spent many nights talking to God, and then saying, "God, can I talk to Easter and Blackie (pet chickens that have past) and talking to them too.

She also believes she can understand what animals are thinking. When they are sad, mad, etc. She says she really thinks they are talking to her. I know a lot of little girls feel close to pets. I just don’t know how to explain all of this to her, without crushing her.

Anyway, this topic if very interesting and I’ll continue to read and learn.
Maybe yes or maybe no.
I only care about seeing God face to face. :love: :bowdown: :love: .
What else matters?

God is so awesome. I have been having a hard time w/my 9yo dd on this issue. We homeschool and use Faith and Life as our “religion” book. In the last couple of days this issue has been discussed. When she realized that what sets us apart from animals, is that we have a soul and souls never die she was visibly upset. She said, “Animals have souls.” I said I didn’t think so. I hate to try and convince her otherwise, because she has gotten through the loss of pets by believing they are in Heaven. She has spent many nights talking to God, and then saying, "God, can I talk to Easter and Blackie (pet chickens that have past) and talking to them too.

She also believes she can understand what animals are thinking. When they are sad, mad, etc. She says she really thinks they are talking to her. I know a lot of little girls feel close to pets. I just don’t know how to explain all of this to her, without crushing her.

Anyway, this topic if very interesting and I’ll continue to read and learn.
I understand your dilemma. Here is a quote from C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity which I like . “It seems to me possible that certain animals may have an immortality, not in themselves, but in the immortality of their masters” It would be interesting to know what Tolkien, a devout Catholic, thought about this, but I can’t find where he addressed the issue. I remember when I was about your daughter’s age I got into an argument with my Baptist Sunday School teacher on this issue. (Little did I know that my faith journey would result in quite a few disagreements with Baptists in the future, but that’s another story.)

I think we just have to trust God on this one. Something tells me that God would not simply discard the animals which have been the friends and reliable servants of men and women for centuries. Perhaps there is something in the life of Saint Francis to give us a degree of hope? I read Chesterton’s book on this saint last year and was pretty amazed at the degree of the absolute awe he expressed concerning creation, but this was because for him it all pointed directly to the majesty of God (as opposed to nature alone). Anyway, I guess it all boils down to that we have to trust God on this one. If it is important to your daughter, perhaps praying about it will be helpful. It sounds kind of corny, and perhaps a tad selfish since I am trying to get a children’s story about talking animals published, but I hope you continue to encourage your daughter to love and cherish animals. While there is a danger (in adults) to anthropomorphize animals too greatly and even place their welfare above that of our fellow man, I think that the kind of daydreaming you describe is great to spark the imagination of children and teach empathy for all creation.

PS. I certainly hope that good animals will be there, but as for our old cat which bit my wife’s arm down to the muscle, it can go elsewhere as far as I am concerend!
When she realized that what sets us apart from animals, is that we have a soul and souls never die she was visibly upset. She said, “Animals have souls.” I said I didn’t think so.

The way I understand it, humans have immortal souls and animals have mortal ones.

I hate to try and convince her otherwise, because she has gotten through the loss of pets by believing they are in Heaven. She has spent many nights talking to God, and then saying, "God, can I talk to Easter and Blackie (pet chickens that have past) and talking to them too.

I think this is a healthy way for her to deal with the loss at her age. As she matures, I think she will better understand that we don’t know what plans God has for our pets, but whatever he does it will be good.

She also believes she can understand what animals are thinking. When they are sad, mad, etc. She says she really thinks they are talking to her. I know a lot of little girls feel close to pets. I just don’t know how to explain all of this to her, without crushing her.

I’m not sure what you mean…explain all of what to her? I am 28 years old and I believe that I can read my pets feelings too. But if she really believes they are “talking” to her, that is just healthy imagination.


p.s. I have thought about my pets being in Heaven to help me deal with their loss too…she is not alone:)
I for one hope to be reuinted with my old pets. I hope there’s more to Heaven than harp-strumming and singing and I’m inclined to think there is.
Here is my thoughts on the matter. It is possible that animals are in heaven, and I wouldn’t want to wish hell on my 15 year old stinker cat. On the other hand, if they are not in heaven, would we miss them? I don’t think so, because we will be so overwelmed by the Glory of God. Part of the problem I think comes from the fact that we have little clue what heaven is really like.
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