Annoyed, angry, feeling down

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I don’t know what my problem is. I just feel like I’m sinning constantly. I get annoyed and frustrated with people (especially my mom) so easily, and although the majority of the anger stays in my head, sometimes I let it out and I just feel awful about it. Even whenever the thoughts stay in my head, I feel so bad about them. I’ve just been feeling a lot of negative emotions recently, even about the smallest things, and it seems like every negative emotion I feel is a sin. I feel like I’ve turned into this terrible, impatient person and I really hate it. I’m hoping I can go to confession soon and get a fresh start. I just don’t know what to do when I get so angry or annoyed. I don’t know how to control it. I don’t even know why I get this way so easily. Nothing has really changed in my life (except school and volleyball starting, so I am a little busier) to make me change suddenly. I just feel so stuck. And now I’m starting to question everything I do and I spend awhile trying to decide if my action was a sin or not. And I know that’s probably a good thing, but it just feels more frustrating than anything when I can’t decide if I just sinned or if I’m being overly scrupulous. I’m just curious, does anyone else feel like this? How do you gain control of your emotions? What do you do when you feel like your stuck in a pit of your sins and can’t get out? I’m hoping going to confession and receiving the Eucharist (tomorrow hopefully) will help me.
Thank you for any advice. I really appreciate it. God bless.
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Confession is a great idea. A priest will be able to help you with what is and isn’t a sin. I have been to confession over feelings like you describe only to have the priest clarify…now, feelings aren’t sins.

As for what to do when you are angry, one that at times works for me is the Jesus prayer.

As you breathe in- “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God”
As you breathe out- “Have Mercy on me, a sinner.”
I am so sorry that you are feeling this way. If this is a recent development, don’t worry so much about it. Life has its ups and downs.

One bit of advice is to be patient with yourself, and be ready to forgive yourself.

Of course, at times we need to recognize our faults and failings, but we should do it with a view towards improving. Repentance is the desire and the will not just to turn away from sin, but more importantly to turn toward the good.

If you tend to get annoyed, angry, or impatient with others, what can you do to grow in patience and charity?

You might come up with your own answers to that question, but here are two suggestions that have worked for other people:

1. Do good things for the other person. Listen, try to understand, give thanks, look for small ways to help or serve, maybe ask if there is anything you can do, bear wrongs patiently, etc.

2. Pray for the other person.

I will pray for you too, and your mom.
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Try to meditate. It has helped me a lot and I believe it can work for you. The world would be a better place is everyone meditated. First, sit down in a comfortable position. Focus on breathing; big breaths in and big breaths out (do this slowly). Next, I want you to visualize your negative energy as if it’s steam. Visualize your steam going from your chest and ejecting it out of your forehead.

Don’t worry, this is not a ritual of worship. I’m not into kundalini, third eyes or chakras – that stuff is unbiblical. Keep ejecting your negative energy and you’ll be a more calm person. Don’t just do it in an emergency, though. Do it a few times to practice.
Sometimes we think that ONE problem has only ONE explanation, but often the explanations are different and contemporary, obviously this does not mean that they all have the same importance.

For example, not the smallest part of your problem COULD BE - consider I don’t know you - if you get enough sleep: few things in this world exacerbate negative emotions like sleep deprivation.

If not, I trust in your mercy 😉
For example, not the smallest part of your problem COULD BE - consider I don’t know you - if you get enough sleep: few things in this world exacerbate negative emotions like sleep deprivation.
Exactly, brown_bear. My first reaction on reading the OP was ‘How is your health?’

Over-tiredness, anaemia, lack of fresh air - they can all affect mood and ability to cope with stress.
Anger arises from thwarted desires. What are the underlying desires?
No, not always. It can be cerebral irritation to do with infection, in the worst case. I’m sure all parents have experienced their children becoming cranky and a few days later a rash appearing.

OP, I’m not saying your are ill with anything! I’m just pointing out that our emotions can be affected by our physical state and conversely, vastly improved if our health is worked on.
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It sounds like what St Ignatius calls desolation. We are mostly in either desolation or consolation though some time in neither. So relax its normal though horrible. First thing to do is think why and when it started which you’ve done…due to sin and you’re going to confession which gets you out of it. Great you are helping yourself. You can always do an examination of conscience and say an act of contrition and/or the Jesus prayer as someone above recommended. That will help until confession. Then humble yourself before God, pray to God in your own words or any prayer of humility to let God know (really yourself) how God is all powerful and you are small and everything is dependent on him. If you can’t think of anything the Psalms are great for this as is meditation on the Litany of humility or trust.
Basically it’s a temptation so you want to fight… don’t give in to self pity and feeling down. Say ‘Jesus I trust in you’ try mean it. Then pray a little extra than you would and carry on with life next time it crops up do this again. Life is battle not a time of peace. You could read more on St Ignatius spiritual exercises if you want. God bless
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This is what I struggle with a lot lately.
It’s like I could copy paste your post and post it myself.

I think my problem is that I am under much stress lately, because of a few things that are going on in my life right now.
I understand!
Lately Ive been feeling rather grumpy and yucky, too. I get half-way through the day and want to give up, I feel so discouraged.

I realize I need to go to confession.
But this morning, I started a series on Amish Country. Their way of life is so simple and sweet. I even felt myself getting teary while watching it. Maybe you might enjoy it, too. 😁

Here is the first show:

I wouldn’t mind moving my whole crew to a Catholic town built like this. Im so drained by all the drama and distractions, wifi fashion etc etc

It motivated me to get all my piles of housework and laundry done, today. Silence and simplicity is nice.
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