Background: Neither my wife or I are Catholic. It appears though that God is leading me to the Catholic Church. The concern I have is concerning receiving the Eucharist. The situation is this: My wife and I have been married for 30 years and we have three children. This is my first marriage. My wife, however, received a civil annulment to her first marriage because the man she married turned out to be a practicing homosexual. Unknown to her he lived this sinful lifestyle before they were married and he continued to live it after the marriage ceremony. It is my understanding that this situation would easily qualify for an annulment decree by the Catholic Church.
My questions: 1) would we need to apply for and receive an annulment by the Catholic Church before I could receive First Communion? And 2) if an annulment were not granted what would that mean? Would I be expected to divorce my wife of 30 years? Or would I be expected to never participate in the grace of Holy Communion?
Thank you for your answer.
My questions: 1) would we need to apply for and receive an annulment by the Catholic Church before I could receive First Communion? And 2) if an annulment were not granted what would that mean? Would I be expected to divorce my wife of 30 years? Or would I be expected to never participate in the grace of Holy Communion?
Thank you for your answer.