Hello everyone,
I’m new here, and wish to say hi, and relate a problem that perhaps I can get some advice and prayers about.
7 years ago, I went through a divorce. My former spouse and I were both catholic, but young–19, and 20–and he was unfaithful from the beginning. There were also other extenuating circumstances that doomed our relationship from the very start. After the divorce was finalized, I waited a year to recover, catch my breath, and let go, and began to seek a declaration of nullity (it would certainly be a formal case). In fact, I turned in all the paperwork to my parish priest/advocate. Years went by…the priest gave every impression to me that my annulment had gone through…and being too busy with obtaining a degree in order to better provide for my child, I did not investigate. My advocate told me once my paperwork was given to him, my job was over. I thought it a cathartic experience and moved on with my life.
Feeling drawn East, I left the Roman Church I was going to and began to attend a Byzantine Catholic parish and now call it my home. This was a year and a half ago.
A few years ago, I met a wonderful man, we got engaged after 2 years, and planned to marry. I called the priest of my former church and asked for a letter, or document to show that my previous marriage had been declared null. He said to go ahead and call the tribunal and they would send a letter. To my chagrin…they had no record of me at the tribunal. I called the priest, who said “you all but disappeared, so the case has been in my file cabinet all this time. But I’ll turn it in now.” :banghead:
Well, I had not “disappeared.” I think I fell through the cracks.
So now I wait another year so I can go on with my life. All my paperwork has been turned into the tribunal…and so I have to sit and wait. The only problem is, my FH former spouse (their marriage declared null due to ligamen) has been harrassing us, stalking us, causing all sorts of problems, and trying through multiple court dates to take custody of their daughter from him. She is an abusive women, who actually physically battered him. We need to get married because we love each other, and want to build a good, Godly home for our children. We need to protect this little girl…and how can we if we do not have a family for her? While we sit and wait, this woman plots and schemes to destroy us, and rip the little girl away from a loving father and (hopefully someday) loving stepmother and a “big brother” (my son). And if anyone thinks that this woman couldn’t do that…she got away with spousal abuse, with harrassment and blackmail, she CAN, in this blindly pro-woman, liberal court system get custody…if she can tell convincing enough lies. And she can…oh yes. Advice? Prayers? Please…I’m very emotionally exhausted from all of this–from her terrorizing us, and from the Church which I know wants to protect us, but I feel like my feet are being held to the fire instead. I don’t want to lose my faith, but I’m so worn out. Please pray for me, for us…if nothing else.
I’m new here, and wish to say hi, and relate a problem that perhaps I can get some advice and prayers about.
7 years ago, I went through a divorce. My former spouse and I were both catholic, but young–19, and 20–and he was unfaithful from the beginning. There were also other extenuating circumstances that doomed our relationship from the very start. After the divorce was finalized, I waited a year to recover, catch my breath, and let go, and began to seek a declaration of nullity (it would certainly be a formal case). In fact, I turned in all the paperwork to my parish priest/advocate. Years went by…the priest gave every impression to me that my annulment had gone through…and being too busy with obtaining a degree in order to better provide for my child, I did not investigate. My advocate told me once my paperwork was given to him, my job was over. I thought it a cathartic experience and moved on with my life.
Feeling drawn East, I left the Roman Church I was going to and began to attend a Byzantine Catholic parish and now call it my home. This was a year and a half ago.
A few years ago, I met a wonderful man, we got engaged after 2 years, and planned to marry. I called the priest of my former church and asked for a letter, or document to show that my previous marriage had been declared null. He said to go ahead and call the tribunal and they would send a letter. To my chagrin…they had no record of me at the tribunal. I called the priest, who said “you all but disappeared, so the case has been in my file cabinet all this time. But I’ll turn it in now.” :banghead:
Well, I had not “disappeared.” I think I fell through the cracks.
So now I wait another year so I can go on with my life. All my paperwork has been turned into the tribunal…and so I have to sit and wait. The only problem is, my FH former spouse (their marriage declared null due to ligamen) has been harrassing us, stalking us, causing all sorts of problems, and trying through multiple court dates to take custody of their daughter from him. She is an abusive women, who actually physically battered him. We need to get married because we love each other, and want to build a good, Godly home for our children. We need to protect this little girl…and how can we if we do not have a family for her? While we sit and wait, this woman plots and schemes to destroy us, and rip the little girl away from a loving father and (hopefully someday) loving stepmother and a “big brother” (my son). And if anyone thinks that this woman couldn’t do that…she got away with spousal abuse, with harrassment and blackmail, she CAN, in this blindly pro-woman, liberal court system get custody…if she can tell convincing enough lies. And she can…oh yes. Advice? Prayers? Please…I’m very emotionally exhausted from all of this–from her terrorizing us, and from the Church which I know wants to protect us, but I feel like my feet are being held to the fire instead. I don’t want to lose my faith, but I’m so worn out. Please pray for me, for us…if nothing else.