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I read a comment that because John Kerry had a marriage annulled in which he had children, they were rendered illegitimate. This doesn’t seem it is correct. Can anyone shed light on this situation (not Kerry’s specifically)
I read a comment that because John Kerry had a marriage annulled in which he had children, they were rendered illegitimate. This doesn’t seem it is correct. Can anyone shed light on this situation (not Kerry’s specifically)
The Church says EXPLICITLY that the children born of an annulled marriage are legitimate. The marital status of the parents does NOT affect the status of the children. Period.

And this is as true in civil law as in Church law.
Thankyou. That authoritative and direct answer is what I was looking for.
The Church says EXPLICITLY that the children born of an annulled marriage are legitimate. The marital status of the parents does NOT affect the status of the children. Period.

And this is as true in civil law as in Church law.
What is an illegitimate child?
What happens to a child born out of wedlock, since they have a specific name, does it entail anything? Why the distinction, other than the obvious?
I think that many people who dissaprove of the parent’s actions unknowingly project their disgust onto the child who had no control over the matter. Is it right? No, not really. I think the phenomenon can also be observed when people are disgusted by children that are the product of an interracial union.

Probably depends nowadays on your state law. Illegitimate means simply born outside of a legitimate marriage.
Does a Catholic annulment mean there was never a marriage?
No. It means a sacramental marriage never existed. This is an important distinction.

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