Another Anti-Catholic book criticizes JPII

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Just read a review of the book, The Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II by Berry and Renner in my favorite liberal media source The Boston Globe. This book makes some outrageous claims about Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legions of Christ. The authors claim that there is evidence that Maciel was given a special dispensation by Pope Pius XII to have sex with boys to relieve chronic pain!! Where oh where do they get this stuff? They also heap heavy criticism on John Paul II for enabling the culture of abuse. One quote from the book points out how misinformed the authors are about John Paul II’s ideas. It reads, “His myopia (JPII) on the church’s corruption suggests the kind of hubris we associate with kings in Shakespearean drama, coupled with a tragic naivete about sexual intimacy”. The author’s clearly didn’t read the Pope’s Theology of Body series. The Globe’s reviewer writes, “The authors make an intelligent, passionate case, and they seem to be on the side of the angels”. Yea, more like fallen angels! And so, the media continues to hammer away at the Catholic church and no one else seems to bat an eye.
it would make me very nervous if the media ever agreed with me…

That is funny–I just saw that book on the shelf of a “Catholic” bookstore in a nearby town. Just reading the title made me roll my eyes out loud. It is funny because it was the kind of title I would expect to find in Borders or Barnes and Nobles’ religious section, but not in a Catholic bookstore (this store, oddly enough, also has good stuff like books by Ignatius Press, apologetics books, and JP II’s Theology of the Body, etc.). I guess trashy tabloid-ish conspiracy “exposes” that relish in the sins of the Church are the kind of junk food that many prefer to consume.
Thanks for your brief review.
Folks, 200 years from now, when pedophilia is completely legal and protected, they will still be bashing the Catholic Church for this. They don’t really care about children. They just want to destroy Catholicism. Granted we gave them way to much to work with, but that doesn’t mean they are not bigoted.
I have not read the book in question. But I do say that it is possible for a person to be critical of the actions or writings of John Paul II (in fact, I am on some items–I have a post or two or three spelling this out). But that of itself does not make me (or anyone else who does what I do) anti-Catholic. Indeed, I have an enormous personal respect for our Pope, and read what he has to say carefully; I agree with 99 percent of what he says.
This book was reviewed for by Fr. Thomas Doyle, O.P. as follows:

17 of 22 people found the following review helpful: insider’s view, May 10, 2004
Reviewer:Thomas Doyle (Goldsboro, NC United States) - See all my reviewsIt may seem strange that one of the subjects of “Vows of Silence” writes a review, but the book is far too important to pass up this opportunity. Besides, the Legion of Christ has front-loaded the net with its own reviews.

Apart from the information about me (Doyle),which is 99% accurate, the only inaccuracies being very minor, the immense value of this book is the fact that it courageously uncovers the dishonesty of the Legion of Christ and its sexually abusing founder/leader. Catholics from the Vatican on down to the pews are duped by this outfit. Berry and Renner dug deep into the inner workings of the Catholic Church’s strange governing world and found corruption. Many people, lay and clergy, are not able to handle what they found, but find it they did. The Church, Catholics and secular society are much better off because of the honest and detailed rendition of the bizarre story of this cultish organization. If men and women of integrity look for reasons for the senselessness of the church’s response to the sex abuse crisis, they will find some valuable and shocking answers in this book. The blindness and the denial of justice starts at the top.

Thomas Doyle
I have not read the book in question. But I do say that it is possible for a person to be critical of the actions or writings of John Paul II (in fact, I am on some items–I have a post or two or three spelling this out). But that of itself does not make me (or anyone else who does what I do) anti-Catholic. Indeed, I have an enormous personal respect for our Pope, and read what he has to say carefully; I agree with 99 percent of what he says.

It’s hard to see why criticising the Pope should be regarded as anti-Catholic (or even as “un-Catholic”). Popes don’t need flatterers. If he was myopic, then he was. What happened was a colossal scandal, and it’s far from over 😦 And it happened during his pontificate. As did a number of cases early on, in 1984 and 1992. And that is just in the USA. If it is not anti-Catholic to make less than admiring historical judgements about earlier Popes - why is it anti-Catholic to make similar judgements about a still living one ?​

One of the worst features about these horrible events is that they make accusations of clerical depravity from the mediaeval period all too plausible.

James Hitchcock - no anti-Catholic - has an article here which may help explain the reactions of the present Pope to these events.

Popes don’t need to be praised - they need to be prayed for. Just like everyone else. The Church does not believe that “once [a man is] saved, [he is] always saved”. So why should Catholics act as though, contrary to all they insist on, they do, after all, believe in OSAS ? Besides, no one is so safe in God’s grace that he cannot take a turn for the worse. Not in this life. As St.Teresa of Avila points out somewhere. ##
The article by Hitchcock points out a rationale to the Pope’s thought and actions, but what we may be witnessing is the emergence of the need for a pope who can respond to Islam, if such is possible.

Pius XII is not given high marks generally for responding to Nazism, although his private actions seem to be heroic. JPII did a good job confronting Communism and totalitarianism, it seems, in what turned out to be the end of the cold war era.

We too should not lose faith, for Christ said that He had already won the battle, and that Satan had been defeated. That is the clearest sense in which I can rationalize the advice to “be not afraid.”

As a child, I thought the greatest need for the world was to embrace Christianity and to live within its guidelines. I saw and still see an exploding world population where resources are getting scarcer, nations are struggling but few seem ready to adopt our own form of government which seems to work well enough for us (my naive point of view), and few people seem to grasp that we need to get along with one another.

In our own society, the contraception movement seemed to be the panacea for women’s liberation, even if the Catholic Church and others disapproved. But, we seem to have mentally shot way past that into the abortion-on-demand mentality – which seems to show the irresponsibility towards free sex and the lack of foresight to embrace contraception. In the popular way of thinking, contraception was supposed to liberate us (men and women) with a pill, but it didn’t. Few in public arenas discuss the apparent failure of this technology to save us, and our society has embraced the ultimate horror of killing the unborn, often in the stage of imminent birth.

Criticize the Pope? How high are our expectations of what this Pope or any Pope can do unless the remainder of the Church is with him. And, sadly, we know that in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere, people have decided to make up their own minds.

My own reaction to this Pope is that he has written a lot, but, if anything, I wish he had travelled more, especially to the U.S. to “roll out” his teachings on Christianity. What Hitchcock does not say is that the innovation of Vatican I was the emphasis on infallibility of the Pope. Vatican II continued to define the role of the Bishops in the church. And, you will note, JPII referred the sexual abuse problems back to the Bishops of the U.S. to a considerable extent. Recall, he condemned the abusive priests, calling them criminals, but referred back to them the problem of fixing the problem. And, for example, we have the zero-tolerance policy, which is not universally acclaimed. And, face it, we’re not mature enough to forgive / forget the priests who it seems were involved in a single adventure.

Why bash JPII when the Bishops (all of them) have stumbled so badly on war-and-peace issues, opposition to abortion, and the various aspects of the sex abuse scandals? The Bishops’ conferences seem to dwell on the minutiae of whether we should stand or sit or kneel during the Mass – and there’s little agreement there – and don’t seem to have a clue to deal with the power that they possess. They seem to lust for their own power too much to give in to an episcopal conference. And, well they should, given the conservative/liberal makeup of the group.

It’s not anti-Catholic to criticize the Pope OR the Church at large or the local national Church. methinks. I just (naively) wish we didn’t have to do that. Slamming the bishops in the national press seems, sadly, to be the only way to get their attention. That’s one of the first things they should fix.
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