oh that reminds me of an editorial in the U o’ Washington daily paper (“the daily”)
I wrote a response to the thing i was so mad.
(the parts in parentheses were kindly edited out by the newspaper staff, grr. oh plus they never once capitalized Church. oh well at least they were willing to run my letter at all):
Your article regarding the ban on “gay” priests upset me. The Catholic Church was unfairly vilified. Without being intolerant of the people, the Church teaches that the act of embracing disordered desires (sexual or otherwise) is wrong. The moral teaching is, so long as you don’t succumb to the disordered desires, you are living morally. Also, it is gravely sinful to hate people because of such a condition or weakness.
The church teaches that all people are called to chastity according to their state of life (married are faithful, nuns monks and priests are celibate, and singles are to not have sex until/unless they marry). In my opinion, sexual “orientation” should only be an issue for seminary entrance if the man is found to be an active gay (thus creating an occasion for the sin of lust in the seminary or scandal once he is a priest) or unlikely to be able to live the rest of his life celibately (a standard that even a heterosexual man must pass). So long as a man can be truly and fully celibate, mind and body, and resist embracing or normalizing the “gay” subculture, and they have a true call to priesthood, I have no problem.
So I disagree a bit with what the Pope is rumored to think on how strictly the Church should weed out “gay” seminarians and others who are unfit for sexual reasons, but I know if it is indeed his order, he is not doing it out of hate but out of a pastoral concern-- too many men have hid their homosexuality under a cassock. But I know the order is an overstatement of what the Pope is really going to say. (Even if it isn’t, as a faithful Catholic, if Rome speaks, I shall obey.)
-Brian Thompson