Here is the link
Here is the quote that I am querying.
“What is wrong with the crucifix? God condemned it as a graven image (Ex 20:4). Jesus and Paul knew nothing of it (Matt 28:20; I Tim 3:15; II Tim 3:16-17). It leaves Jesus in the most defeated, humiliated, and shamed position possible, which was only momentary, and only 2000 years ago. It leaves Jesus cursed, for the true God declared, “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Gal 3:13; Deut 21:23). Satan knows Scripture better than Catholic popes, and he rejoices to see Jesus still cursed on a tree!”
I came across this web site from another thread.
I clicked on the link to Gal 3:13 and this is what it says
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: "
Now, this is so wrong isnt it?
Isn’t it meaning that Jesus died on the cross to make a new covenant with us, to end the covenant of the Old Testament.
And isnt the cursing of every one who hangs from a tree referring to Judas.
Judas betrayed Jesus and hanged on a tree.
So basically it is saying do not betray Jesus and you will not hang.
So this web site is saying Catholics are wrong to have a crucifix as Satan delights in still seeing Jesus hanging on a tree.
But that is not how I would interpret the Scripture.
Why are there these people around that interpret Scripture like that?
Love Kellie
Here is the quote that I am querying.
“What is wrong with the crucifix? God condemned it as a graven image (Ex 20:4). Jesus and Paul knew nothing of it (Matt 28:20; I Tim 3:15; II Tim 3:16-17). It leaves Jesus in the most defeated, humiliated, and shamed position possible, which was only momentary, and only 2000 years ago. It leaves Jesus cursed, for the true God declared, “Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Gal 3:13; Deut 21:23). Satan knows Scripture better than Catholic popes, and he rejoices to see Jesus still cursed on a tree!”
I came across this web site from another thread.
I clicked on the link to Gal 3:13 and this is what it says
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: "
Now, this is so wrong isnt it?
Isn’t it meaning that Jesus died on the cross to make a new covenant with us, to end the covenant of the Old Testament.
And isnt the cursing of every one who hangs from a tree referring to Judas.
Judas betrayed Jesus and hanged on a tree.
So basically it is saying do not betray Jesus and you will not hang.
So this web site is saying Catholics are wrong to have a crucifix as Satan delights in still seeing Jesus hanging on a tree.
But that is not how I would interpret the Scripture.
Why are there these people around that interpret Scripture like that?
Love Kellie