Another Antisemitic Series on Iranian TV

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January 6, 2005****No.841 TV Project Special Report: Another Antisemitic Series on Iranian TV

*A new historical series airing on Iran’s Sahar TV, recorded and translated by MEMRI’s TV Monitor Project, depicts the early Christian era from an Islamic perspective. The seventh episode, which aired on December 30, 2004, shows the crucifixion of some of Jesus’ followers by the Romans. In a scene reminiscent of the crucifixion of Jesus, the series shows Jews who are passing by the crucifixion site stopping to abuse the crucified Christian preacher Adonya, by gleefully and maliciously throwing stones at him as he is nailed to the cross. A Roman soldier tries to stop them, but the Jews bribe him and continue to abuse Adonya. In portraying them as Jews, the actors talk like cartoons, and wear as their clothing traditional “Jewish” religious garb (a tallis, which in fact is used only during prayer). The following are excerpts from the show; to view clips from the series, visit *

You can see an English-translated video clip from this series via a link at this page:
MEMRI TV latest clips Qaddafi Calls on America to Change to a Republic of the Masses; 3 more.
As the lyricist wrote: You’ve got to be taught - carefully taught.

Remember our pope who started catechesis early on and made Eucharist available at age 7 - he stated that trained in faith from our infancy onwards - we would always remain “catholic” .

Taught to hate and revile, visually, emotionally and structurally, we shall see more 5 year olds walking around with bullets across their chest, 13 year olds wanting to be like daddy and “die” killing the infidels, throwing rocks when you’re small and toting guns as you grow with maps and revisionist history and hate, always the hate.
It is a fact of history that many of the martyrs of the early church, St. Stephen being the first, were killed by Jews.
St. James:
It is a fact of history that many of the martyrs of the early church, St. Stephen being the first, were killed by Jews.
And your point is what precisely?

It is a fact of history that Jews killed other peoples; it is a fact of history that others killed Jews and in the crowd of those listening and following Jesus when He was on this earth, both were present. His mother, His grandparents were also practicing Orthodox Jews.
And your point is what precisely?
Stoning was a common practice in the time of Christ. Many Christians were stoned to death by Jews. It is not “anti-semitic” (an utterly meaningless term anyway) to portray Jews as they have been in the video.

The Judaic texts themselves have accounts of Christ being stoned for being an idolater.
This post reflects an ever growing tendency to interpret anything that treats Jews with less than gushing praise as “anti-semitism.”

This paranoia is the stuff of the ADL.
St. James:
Stoning was a common practice in the time of Christ. Many Christians were stoned to death by Jews. It is not “anti-semitic” (an utterly meaningless term anyway) to portray Jews as they have been in the video.

The Judaic texts themselves have accounts of Christ being stoned for being an idolater.
St. James, according to Still Small Voice, a Jewish poster on these boards, stoning was not very common. Where do you get your “facts”?
St. James, according to, a Jewish poster on these boards, stoning was not very common.
With all respect to yourself and Still Small Voice, perhaps a bit of study is in order.

The New Testament alone offers plenty of evidence of stonings. Our Lord rescued Mary Magdalene from being stoned for being a harlot. In the Gospels our Lord himself narrowly escaped being stoned many times by the Pharisees. The first martyr of the church, St. Stephen was stoned to death by Jews. There is abundant evidence of stoning as common practice in Biblical times and it’s not very difficult to find.
On the eve of Passover Jesus was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, "He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. Anyone who can say anything in his favor let him come forward and plead on his behalf." But since nothing was brought forward in his favor, he was hanged on the eve of Passover. Ulla retorted: Do you suppose he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a mesith (enticer), concerning whom Scripture says, “Neither shall thou spare nor shall thou conceal him?” With Jesus, however, it was different, for he was connected with the government. (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a)
This passage from the Talmud of the Judaic cannon of texts clearly refers to stoning as punishment.

It’s worth mentioning that not only does this passage provide evidence of stoning–of our Lord Jesus Christ no less–but it also provides evidence that the Pharisees sought to have Jesus executed, a fact which is often publicly denied but is true, as the Judaic texts themselves reveal.
St. Stephen was Jewish. St. Mary Magdalene was Jewish. All the Apostles were Jewish. Salvation comes from the Jews. Jesus said that. He is Jewish.
St. Stephen was Jewish. St. Mary Magdalene was Jewish. All the Apostles were Jewish. Salvation comes from the Jews. Jesus said that. He is Jewish.
And His Father certainly seemed to think highly of them…
St. Stephen was Jewish. St. Mary Magdalene was Jewish. All the Apostles were Jewish.
The people you’ve listed here were Christian. They were born of Jewish descent but they followed the teachings of Christ, unlike the Jews who persecuted them.
Salvation comes from the Jews. Jesus said that. He is Jewish.
Salvation comes from those who rejected their Messiah and persecuted His disciples? I believe you may be misinterpreting our Lord’s words.

Salvation has come to us through Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross.
St. James,
You seem to have a real problem not just with Jews, but with Jesus. He said it not me. A Jew who becomes a Christian is still “Jewish”. Read the article in this months This Rock magazine. But frankly I am tired of your anti-semitic hatred. It is right out of the play book. The one that led to Auchwitz. I would love to hear what you have to say about the holocaust, but I bet you dare not say it on this site.
St. James,
You seem to have a real problem not just with Jews, but with Jesus. He said it not me.Read the article in this months This Rock magazine.
No thank you. I prefer the writings of the church fathers, doctors of the church and papal encyclicals when seeking the proper interpretation of Biblical scripture.

But this point is worth discussing a bit.

If salvation is from the Jewish race, as you seem to assert, then what of Christ’s sacrifice? Of what significance is Christ’s crucifixion and death if salvation comes from a race of people? Your interpretation of this scripture diminishes Christ’s sacrifice, and in turn, diminishes the most basic tenets our Christian faith.

John 4:22 signifies that Jesus Christ was a a Jew and that He came first to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and later in His ministry, to all mankind, and that some of those sheep accepted His Word. The historical record clearly shows that most of those sheep rejected their Messiah and it was the Gentiles who most readily accepted His Word.

Christ told us, “No man comes to the Father except by me.” There is no salvation by race. Salvation is for *all men *through faith in Jesus Christ.
There are a great number of anti-semites who frequent this site. Their stuff is frightening and dangerous and should be denounced by faithful Catholics.
St. James:
No thank you. I prefer the writings of the church fathers, doctors of the church and papal encyclicals when seeking the proper interpretation of Biblical scripture.

But this point is worth discussing a bit.

If salvation is from the Jewish race, as you seem to assert, then what of Christ’s sacrifice? Of what significance is Christ’s crucifixion and death if salvation comes from a race of people? Your interpretation of this scripture diminishes Christ’s sacrifice, and in turn, diminishes the most basic tenets our Christian faith.

John 4:22 signifies that Jesus Christ was a a Jew and that He came first to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and later in His ministry, to all mankind, and that some of those sheep accepted His Word. The historical record clearly shows that most of those sheep rejected their Messiah and it was the Gentiles who most readily accepted His Word.

Christ told us, “No man comes to the Father except by me.” There is no salvation by race. Salvation is for *all men *through faith in Jesus Christ.
Maybe you could read some Vatican II documents also? Nothing wrong with them is there? Our salvation comes from Christ. He is Jewish. So our salvation does come from the Jews in a real sense. Jesus said it Himself. Your argument is with Him. Lot’s of people reject Christ. Not just some Jews. Some Jews do accept Him. Keep in mind if there were no Jews we would not have had Jesus. Ultimately anti-semites end up against Christianity. They have to obfuscate on Jesus’ origins. Your interpretation of the Fathers and of Scripture is unbalanced and reprehensible. Out of line with the magisterium. You do accept the magisterium of John Paul II don’t you? If you don’t then you are not Catholic.
Keep in mind if there were no Jews we would not have had Jesus .
Are you suggesting that God’s power to become man is only possible because of the existence of a certain race of people?

Racial supremicist ideology of this nature is more akin to that of the third reich than the Catholic Church.
Aren’t Arabs/Muslims Semites as well? If this is the case, I find it ironic that a one group of Semites is making Anti-Semitic Propaganda films…
Aren’t Arabs/Muslims Semites as well?
Yes, they are. This is a fact which most clearly reveals the epithet “anti-semitism” (a favorite among some forum members here) to be complete non-sense.
Main Entry: Sem·ite
Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
Function: noun
Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek SEm, from Hebrew ShEm
Date: 1848

1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant of these peoples

2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language
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